Forum Discussion

TheBeard1808's avatar
8 years ago

Maul Lead Not Working Correctly?

So I usually choose my arena battles based on the speed of the Palpatines and Nihiluses of the other team after the maul lead speed boost, so I can use Chirrut's ability that grants tenacity up before the debuffs hit. But today I went against a 188 speed nihilus (188x1.2=225.6 speed from maul boost) that went before my 233 speed Chirrut as the opening move of the match. Am I just reading Maul's ability wrong? I thought it was a 20% boost to start the match. If something is wrong, I'll report a bug, but first I want to make sure I have all my info correct.

I'm all out of arena attempts, but if this happens again tomorrow I'll take some screen shots.
  • Pretty sure you have to multiple the speed by 1.25 so it would be 188x1.25=235. Not 100% sure on that.
  • "Willis;c-1114698" wrote:
    Think of Maul's lead as meaning you only have to fill up 80% of the tm gauge. Then Maul would have 188/0.8 which would result in 235 speed.

    Okay, that makes sense thinking about it that way. Thanks much!
  • "Willis;c-1114698" wrote:
    Think of Maul's lead as meaning you only have to fill up 80% of the tm gauge. Then Maul would have 188/0.8 which would result in 235 speed.

    Right, Maul's lead grants 20% TM at the start, not 20% extra Speed