I dont want to sound insensitive...but allowing "sad" stories to be used as "reason" is a bad idea on the internet age. Not saying it isnt true, but there are actually lots of players with real sad stories (money issues, deadly diseases, war a bit more rare)...and it would be "odd" to use this as a valid reason...not to mention that it would make sad stories rise a lot.
For some perspective, on other game we had in our "team" a guy in prison that could not play when guards were around or electricity was off, a guy said he had cancer and one day just disappeared and a third one claimed his family wanted to commit him to some institution...
THAT SAID...it is very possible to give relic to the wrong character...i almost did it several times as i am usually focusing on the MATERIALS and dont really look at the character after the first click.
I have a Zeta on Luminara due to a similar mistake...playing with limited time and attention :)
PERSONALLY i would think that ANY PLAYER (no sad story needed) should have ONE chance to roll back if asking within 15 days or so...and be given a warning at that occasion...eventually one each year or other long time period. Some attention should be given to UPDATE effects...some characters lost a lot of interest after some updates (like quigon omicron, for instance). NOT SURE if doable...perhaps if automatic or semi-automatic.
FINAL NOTE...hope war in Ukraine is sorted out SOON. Not my idea to minimize it...but this is a SWOGH forum :)