Forum Discussion

Sibbi316's avatar
3 years ago

Missing hyperdrive bundle

Bought the hyperdrive last week and still didnt get it. I sended every proof via Tickets and the Hotline said the proofs where ok but they cant activate the bundle because... they think i already have it. Well as everyone can see (id and code below) the bundle hasnt been activated. The Hotline said this forum is my last chance to get my hyperdrive bundle activated. I hope someone can help me

Id cMbiPJQlT6GYQuJameP9yA
Code 835-912-691
Ticket 111336058 and 111218573

Thank you
  • Have you purchased the Hyper drive bundle once already? If you have then I think you can’t purchase it again. It was great when it first came out but now it’s pretty outdated. No new toons after Rogue one Rebels and now that the gear choke hold has let up a tiny bit most of the gear is more accessible.