Forum Discussion

91eyucfruyce's avatar
New Novice
3 months ago

prode droid buff and darkside clones and sep droids and empire

honestly I think prode droid should get a buff why? the very fact it takes a long time to 7 star it and most people dont suggest to 7 star let alone relic 7.... and also for darkside clones... darkside clones came way before light side clones.... for darkside clones 501 darkside clone trooper, scorch, flamethrower clone trooper, and clone commando. sep droids we could get that oom-9, one droid commando and droid commando with the coat from outlaw. and more imperials from bad batch and other bad batch characters would be nice. I was thinking the empire police droids the one who fought bad batch, female imperial bragg. anyways u guys able to buff imperial super commando and gar saxon and even phoniex so why not prode droid

  • I would enjoy an IPD buff, though honestly the Omi with Doc Aphra's squad is fantastic. It also works incredibly with any team on Dathomir. 

    So what kind of buff were you thinking, and what power level do you think it should end up at? 

    • 91eyucfruyce's avatar
      New Novice

      I was thinking its stats but if it has to be a buff I say its selfdestruct should be a one hit ko on any revive unit regardless of how much protection it has. but thats just my 2 cents lol

    • SimVelocity's avatar
      New Adventurer

      I suppose because most clones before and after Order 66 are still indistinguishable by their armor. We still don't have playable Phase 1 and Phase 2 regular Clone Troopers, but I imagine they'd be light side.

      Dark side Clone Troopers they could do however are Slick (though his armor is still too generic), Crosshair (Imperial), Clone X trooper, and Imperial Clone Commando.

      • 91eyucfruyce's avatar
        New Novice

        that wouldnt make sense.... if most were on the light side I am sure there be way more rebel clone troopers but there isnt... like if they were light side they wouldnt attack villagers or wookies....  but thats just me... and they also wouldnt fight the bad batch...