Forum Discussion

K_G0sling's avatar
8 years ago

Mk5 A/KT Stun Gun & Mk 3 Czerka Stun Cuffs

Come on guys and gals...come on.

At LEAST the Mk3 Carbanti Sensor Array is available in the STR Gear Challenge. I'm just concerned, as I'm sure many/most others' as well, that the Gear XII bottleneck will get TOO tight if these gear requirements don't loosen up slightly.

I think this far into the game, it's a fair request. Not asking for hand-me-downs or freebies, so here's my proposed solutions:

1. Add said gear into already existing Gear Challenges.
2. Create a new (possibly Zeta-based difficulty) Gear Challenge for this stuff.
3. Increase the donation limit in the Guild Exchange.

Thank you for any following ideas and/or consideration. #QOL #DeadHorseKicking #Begging
  • "Vinny_Vader_Vedi;c-1241293" wrote:
    Gear heists- all scoundrel

    Fantastic idea as well! If I could edit I would add that into the suggestions.

    1. Add said gear into already existing Gear Challenges.
    2. Create a new (possibly Zeta-based difficulty) Gear Challenge for this stuff.
    3. Increase the donation limit in the Guild Exchange.
    4. Gear Heist
  • "K_G0sling;c-1242717" wrote:
    "Vinny_Vader_Vedi;c-1241293" wrote:
    Gear heists- all scoundrel

    Fantastic idea as well! If I could edit I would add that into the suggestions.

    1. Add said gear into already existing Gear Challenges.
    2. Create a new (possibly Zeta-based difficulty) Gear Challenge for this stuff.
    3. Increase the donation limit in the Guild Exchange.
    4. Gear Heist

    I'm with it. Keep it stable too.
    Mon - training droids
    Tues- credits
    Wed- gear

  • and add one more:

    5. Watto's Gambling House & Salvage Shop.

    We know that Watto gambles with salvage (see Episode 1, of course).

    The holotables are set up so that we, the players are taking on the role of a SW Galaxy scoundrel playing around gaming tables in a Cantina/Casino.

    So why no gambling?

    Watto's would be a way to gamble on how well you do in Raids. You bet gear salvage and get gear salvage back if you win.

    If you bet you'll be in the top 5 (and succeed) you get better returns than betting you'll be in the top 15 (and succeed).

    Fail to get at least the place you specified (I suggest top3 top5, top15, and top25 - you can't bet that you'll finish in the top 49), and you lose the salvage you bet.

    Now, Watto can't bet raid only salvage (Mk5 Fusion Furnace salvage, for instance), but things that aren't raid-only (like Stun Cuffs, Stun Guns, and Mk3 Holos) can be bet.

    You can't bet any salvage until you have at least one toon with a full piece of that gear equipped. You also can't bet salvage unless you actually have some to lose. You specify how much you bet, you lose access to that salvage until the raid is over, then it's either gone (if you did not get at least the place you specified) or you get it back + some.

    Suggested rewards
    top 3 = double what you bet
    top 5 = 1.5 x what you bet
    top 15 = what you bet
    top 25 = 2/3rds of what you bet

    That's subject to tweaking, of course, but this represents a new kind of content, and a way to let the player specify the reward. Of course by specifying one reward (Mk3 Holos) you're losing access to other rewards (Stun Guns, Stun Cuffs, etc.) but this allows Watto's to effectively scale the reward to the stage of development the player is in and to the player's style.

    Everyone loses with this system to start with, because you have to save up salvage that's just sitting around when it could be equipped on a character. But if you bet and win, you quickly gain enough to replace the amount you have to keep stored doing nothing, and then after that you're turning a gear-profit.

    I like having lots of toons, and Mk3 Holos are the bane of my existence. Others are trying hard to get a few toons to the top of the mountain, and Stun Cuffs are frequently their bane.

    A gear challenge or heist would have set rewards and be a bit disappointing to everyone, unless it just gave away everything.

    Watto's is subtler, more strategic, and requires thought to use well. It fits in well with the resource-management priorities of the game. Plus it's drawn straight from the movies. Who doesn't like that?
  • @Shenanigans052

    They simply need to change the components for the new gear and eventually raise the bottle neck. For it to start on gear 8 is absurd

    Gear 8?

    Sorry, but you're way off. I have 39 toons waiting for one or more Mk3 Holos at their current gear tier & level. I'm waiting on a total of 960 Mk3Holo salvage right now. That's not even counting all the toons I have unlocked but are stuck at gear 2-4, level 40ish, getting no love. We know that nearly all if not all of those toons will themselves need at the very least one Mk3 Holo before being remotely usable.

    Of the ones that are currently waiting on Mk3 Holos, NINE characters are gear6. Another 10 are gear 7.

    R2D2 needed FOUR Mk3 Holos before ever reaching gear8.

    If the horrible bottlenecking kicked in at gear 8, that would be a huge improvement over what we have now.
  • "MasterSeedy;c-1243421" wrote:

    They simply need to change the components for the new gear and eventually raise the bottle neck. For it to start on gear 8 is absurd

    Gear 8?

    Sorry, but you're way off. I have 39 toons waiting for one or more Mk3 Holos at their current gear tier & level. I'm waiting on a total of 960 Mk3Holo salvage right now. That's not even counting all the toons I have unlocked but are stuck at gear 2-4, level 40ish, getting no love. We know that nearly all if not all of those toons will themselves need at the very least one Mk3 Holo before being remotely usable.

    Of the ones that are currently waiting on Mk3 Holos, NINE characters are gear6. Another 10 are gear 7.

    R2D2 needed FOUR Mk3 Holos before ever reaching gear8.

    If the horrible bottlenecking kicked in at gear 8, that would be a huge improvement over what we have now.

    That sucks. You and I must've geared different toons. Holos are an easy farm though. Should get one every three days. I don't generally run into an issue until I need mk5 furnaces
  • @MasterSeedy - DOPE idea. I love that. In for Watto's Gambling House & Salvage Shop.

    1. Add said gear into already existing Gear Challenges.
    2. Create a new (possibly Zeta-based difficulty) Gear Challenge for this stuff.
    3. Increase the donation limit in the Guild Exchange.
    4. Gear Heist
    5. Watto's Gambling House & Salvage Shop (Whole new feature and surplus gear solution)
  • These ludicrous gear requirements are gonna kill this game off. It's simply too much. Sapped all the fun out of character progression BECAUSE WE CAN'T PROGRESS CHARACTERS!