7 years ago
Mods - Suggestion: eliminate the cost of swapping mods.
I would like you guys to consider removing the annoying cost of equipping mods. With the rework to assign loadouts it's become easier to move mods but it's cost prohibitive and arbitrary. When moving mods around to alot of toons it can become expensive very very fast. I think you guys should review this and consider removing the cost all together. Maybe also consider a sliding scale of cost mod loadouts you assign get cheaper the more you move "like bulk shopping sales"
I would like you guys to consider removing the annoying cost of equipping mods. With the rework to assign loadouts it's become easier to move mods but it's cost prohibitive and arbitrary. When moving mods around to alot of toons it can become expensive very very fast. I think you guys should review this and consider removing the cost all together. Maybe also consider a sliding scale of cost mod loadouts you assign get cheaper the more you move "like bulk shopping sales"