Forum Discussion

ArchlordCalasta's avatar
7 years ago

New Grand Master Yoda Kit for Jedi Rework

To make GMY viable in the game again, I have come up with this kit that I think will balance him out nicely against the other legendary characters. This is merely a suggestion and may not appear in the game. After all, he is one of the most powerful force users in Star Wars.

You can use this for whatever you wish.

Ataru Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If that enemy has more than 50% health, Yoda gains 40% Turn Meter, Foresight for 2 turns, and dispels all debuffs from himself. Yoda grants all allies 7% Turn Meter for each debuff Dispelled. Yoda has an 80% chance to attack again and afterwards have a 20% chance to attack again consecutively.

Masterstroke Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Special damage to all enemies. In addition, for each positive status effect an enemy has, Yoda steals that effect for 3 turns. (Unique status effects can't be taken.) This attack cannot be countered. This attack does 20% more damage for each Jedi ally and Yoda gains Speed Up at the end of his turn.

Unstoppable Force Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Special damage to target enemy with a 70% chance to remove 70% Turn Meter (100% if the enemy is buffed). If that enemy had less than 100% Health, they are also Stunned for 1 turn. If that enemy had less than 100% Protection, Yoda gains 70% Protection.

Battle Meditation Special - Level 8 - Omega
Yoda gains Tenacity Up, Offense Up and Foresight for 2 turns, then grants each ally every non-unique buff he has (excluding Stealth and Taunt) for 2 turns, with a 60% chance to also grant Yoda 40% Turn Meter. Yoda has his speed increased by 10% until the start of his next turn.

Grand Master's Guidance Leader - Level 8 - Zeta
Jedi allies gain 55% Tenacity, gain 30% Turn Meter whenever they Resist a debuff and other allies gain half that amount. Whenever an ally suffers a debuff they have a 65% chance to dispel it and gain the opposite buff for 1 turn at the end of that turn. If the debuff is not dispelled, gain Tenacity Up for 2 turns. Jedi allies gain Max Health and Max Protection equal to 15% of Yoda's Max Health and Max Protection. Other allies gain half this amount.

Feel the Force Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Yoda gains Foresight and Tenacity Up at the start of the encounter for 2 turns. In addition, Yoda gains 20% Defense and Offense for each Jedi ally. Yoda has 10% Counter Chance for each Sith, Empire, or Separatist enemy and grants all Jedi allies this Counter Chance as well and all non-Jedi allies half this chance. Whenever an ally gains a buff, Yoda gains 5% Turn Meter and 5% Protection.

Please leave your comments below over how this could balance the game for Grand Master Yoda. As stated above, this is only a suggestion, so don't expect to see this in the game.

Edit: Accepting suggestions and adding Levels and Materials
  • He doesn't need a lot to do well. His aoe should steals buffs and not just copy them, and his leader ability should extend half the tenacity and tm gain benefits to non Jedi allies as well and grant them tenacity up as well when they gain a debuff.

    I think just making those two simple changes (particularly the leader buff) would put him in par with Rex and make him viable in arena
  • I was thinking of giving tenacity up, but since he gives so much of it, I thought it would be better to have a chance of dispelling.
  • "Archlord;c-1523235" wrote:
    I was thinking of giving tenacity up, but since he gives so much of it, I thought it would be better to have a chance of dispelling.

    The tenacity up part that he already has on his zeta is actually really good, particularly against a debuff-heavy meta like we're in now. The problem though, is that it only applies to Jedi allies which makes it unusable, since most Jedi are horrible. They just don't deal any real damage
  • "Tuftedpaper85;c-1523679" wrote:
    The tenacity up part that he already has on his zeta is actually really good, particularly against a debuff-heavy meta like we're in now. The problem though, is that it only applies to Jedi allies which makes it unusable, since most Jedi are horrible. They just don't deal any real damage

    That is why I reworked some of the Jedi so that they could be usable. Mace Windu, Jedi Knight Anakin, Grand Master Yoda, and Ahsoka Tano have all gotten reworks by me so far.