"Huatimus;c-1635616" wrote:
Their multiplicative bonus is a bit wonky. A character with both Offense Up and Offense Down should theoretically = 1x1.5x0.5=0.75.
But in game it is 1x (1+0.5-0.5)=1.
It is because they don't compound, your 1 x 1.5 x 0.5 = 0.75 would be compounding them.
Each buff/debuff modifies only the modded_base value
Say 1000 modded physical damage (PD)
With offense up it adds 1000 x 0.5 to the PD so it would be 1500 PD
With offense down it subtracts 1000 x 0.5 to PD so it would be 500 PD
With both offense up and offense down
Would add 1000 x 0.5 and subtract 1000 x 0.5 for net of no change
We know there is no change because you can see it in game and Dev's have stated opposites cancel each other out.
Multiplcative in mechanics simply means
curren_stat = current_stat + (modded_base_stat x modifier)
Addative in mechanics simply means
current_stat = current_stat + modifier
If the stat has not currently been modified by any thing else in battle yet it would be modded_stat.
Always remember there are certain things we don't see in the mechanics.