Forum Discussion

pigedehekkan's avatar
7 years ago

New ships coming soon?

It´s unavoidable to see that there are achievement rewards for collecting 20 light side and 20 dark side ships while there are only 16 and 15 available...
This has to mean there are 4+5 new ships just around the corner???
Hopefully we will see ships belonging to Doku, Asajj, Palpatine, Nute & Luke, Leia, Anakin, Kenobi, Lando :)
Any thoughts? What are you hoping to see in the near future?
  • They undoubtedly need more ships in the game, along with more farming locations for ships (eg the cantina shop for Cassian's U-Wing). Resistance and First Order capital ships (not to mention Separatist) are also overdue, along with their leaders, presumably Hux and Holdo or Leia, or a new Resistance Ackbar.

    I'm mainly confused why it's taking so long for new content based on the film to come out. They should have waited with RJT, and added other new movie toons to the game in various ways (some immediate-farm drops, some legendaries, some marquees, some special 2-year farms like Wicket and Talzin, something entirely new perhaps). But... something's holding them back. A single marquee so far since RJT came out, and a total of four characters from the new films (although honestly I wouldn't count FOSF as being from TLJ, that pilot outfit was clearly in TFA, as was unmasked Kylo for that matter).