"Russdpipes;c-1704756" wrote:
"StarSon;c-1704373" wrote:
"Russdpipes;c-1704369" wrote:
"Gannon;c-1704318" wrote:
Also, wanted to come back and mention this cuz it's been bothering me.. Not sure why you guys use the term "sandbagging" rather than "exploit," in this case the latter is much more applicable. Just saying..
1 : to make productive use of : UTILIZE
2 : to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage
...but it's all semantics.
sandbagging is not a real thing. our guild tells players not to join if they arent going to be active, not to "sandbag" anything.
if only 45 players join, then you get matched to a guild of like numbers with like average gp.
the part of the equation you are missing in your thought process is you get matched based upon total gp of all characters 6000gp and above.
so if alot of people in your guild have a majority of thier gp coming from a bunch of g6 g7 and g8 toons over 6000 go. your going to get matched to some people who have more dense gp and get killed.
keep your rosters lean
Almost all of this is false. I'll take you at your word that your guild has people drop if they won't be active. But the rest of it is just wrong. Matchmaking does not currently look at GP at all, or number of people that signed up.
So, while you may always happen to get paired with guilds that also are missing 4 or 5 people, that is not the norm. It is a well known tactic to either keep people out on a rotation for overall higher rewards, or to keep 2 or 3 ticket alts in the guild that don't join TW. This allows guilds to go in at 46 or 47, which usually results in a very favorable matchup for that guild. Certainly not always, but most of the time.
no it "was" exactly how TW did match making as has been said by the developers.
I dont see how leaving a few people out gives anyone an advantage. the whole purpose of the sign up period is to lock in your active GP and number of players so it can match a similar number of players with active GP.
I have reached out to multiple guilds we faced and have never had that crazy of an actual differnce regardless of what their total gp is.
It gives an advantage because it breaks the matchmaking system. If a 210M guild drops 3 players and gets paired with a 185M guild, the 210 is still at a huge advantage. Has nothing to do with lean rosters. The 47 left at over 4M GP are still way better than half of the 185M guild.
one of the factors you are over looking is that all the toons under 6000gp are not included in the match making process which makes sense because they arent eligable to use. so while you might "see" a guild as having a large or small amount of GP, guilds with lean rosters have an advantage because they dont have a bunch of useless toons over 6000gp weighing them down in the matchmaking process.so anyone that has a gear6 jedi guardian or ugnaught (or any other crap toon) that is 6000+go, they are hurting you, because 4 of those toons equals roughly the same gp as a g12 cls or Rjt. 1 cls or rjt can solo 5 crap toons like that easily.
I am not overlooking anything. I have seen how it works, and what happens, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it almost always gives the guild that drops people an advantage.
it's not the match making that's screwed up, it all the people with crap rosters.
The first part of this statement is verifiably false.
my guild hasnt lost a TW yet. came close once, but today will be our 52nd win.
Says the sandbagger.
and it isnt from "sandbagging" we just tell people who dont have time to contribute to not join, because it hurts the guild to have to carry a member who puts up donuts on offense and defense.
And this is one of the most common excuses from sandbagging guilds. And you are proof that it works, with your 52 wins. Have all 52 been super favorable matches? Probably not. But you can't honestly say it didn't contribute.
it sounds to me like a bunch of whining. get a better strategy, build better rosters and start holding those that dont contribute accountable. it's not cgs fault.
It sounds like whining because you are using the tactic, and the people you use against don't like unfair fights. How dare they.