Forum Discussion

Lhyr_fr's avatar
Rising Rookie
4 months ago

No need New characters, need to correct bugs

Hi CG, 

What if instead of adding new characters, you fixed your bugs?

The Rng doesn't work at all. One time your ships will all shoot together during the whole fight, another time during the whole fight nothing.

 In pvp the auto mode is a disaster. The characters do everything wrong. SLKR automatically does his spec 2, jkr goes to the enemy leader... In pve, we feel that everything is rigged to hide the absence of AI.

 And in conquest, jkr outspeeds my characters to 550 speed.

 Ah. CG developers, no need to answer. We know that you are paid to pretend to be players. Fix the game instead. When we compare to the Chinese games that are currently coming out, we see that swgoh is living on an acquired basis, and that there is no real contribution anymore.

 Thank you.

  • Are you saying that the rng should be changed so that battles ran the same every time? So remove rng completely? Some games are like that. Not this one. It's not a bug. 

    If auto mode was better, as in it played optimal moves every time like a player should, it would mean enemy teams played like that too, making many battles near impossible for players to win.

    If you are setting auto and think it's making the bad choice of just attacking the leader, that's actually your choice. When on auto you still have control of the target, unless you tap on the current target to remove it. Once you have removed your preferred target the game will start selecting its target just like the enemy team does. Usually it chooses the closest to death opponent,  unless there is an enemy on the general priority list, like GMY, or the particular character has a priority list of its own. But again there is rng involved, sometimes it chooses someone else.

    Conquest enemies outspeeding you is not a bug. There is a starting enemy stat bonus to every sector, that bonus increases along the map as well, and some teams have an over prepared modifier too. Add to that the faux-mod bonuses each toon has (I think), and yes, they are very fast. But they don't get data disks. Plenty of people can figure out how to beat those fast enemies.

    Are there any actual bugs you would like them to work on?

  • JJ093's avatar
    Rising Rookie

    A bug they should fix is lsb when bought they don't show and you have to get a refund and try again and that doesn't work most of the time


  • List of bugs for CG to fix: 

    1. My guild is not receiving max crate in the Naboo raid. Please change difficulty, RNG, and point multipliers.
    2. Some people in my guild are still losing battles on Dathomir in RotE. Please reduce NightSister offence by 80%. 
    3. Conquest requires too many points to red crate. Please reduce to 200-300 points required to make less grindy. 
    4. When my guild loses a TW, the other team gets more rewards. How is that fair? Please increase our rewards so that we get the same as the winning guild. 

    Also, please don't introduce any new ships into the game until Endurance can reliably beat Leviathan. This power creep is crazy! Should be fixed. 

  • JJ093's avatar
    Rising Rookie

    lol I was just giving ideas on fixing lsb to where its not so hard to get them 

  • I am not sure you understand what RNG is. The fact the same battle has multiple outcomes suggests it’s working. Unfortunately not every outcome is how we would like the battle to go. Usual criticism is a kit has too much RNG to be reliable. That’s a kit design not a bug. 

    Auto not being as efficient as manual battles when we know the kits is also usual. There is often a program bias and some battles are not good auto potential or you need to achieve a specific win condition then it’s safe to finish on auto.

    Speed of enemy in conquest is game mode design… not a bug. It’s always been present and as frustrating as it can be that’s the developers strategy for increasing the modes level of difficulty. Often I would love my toons to be as effective as they are in conquest, TB on galactic challenges with the modifiers they get. 

    Bugs are stuff like disappearing buttons, raids prematurely ending, purchases disappearing… things that should not happen. Not stuff we dislike happening but are working as intended.