4 years ago
Non GL vs GL
I have been playing this game from the beginning. Why. WHY are you pairing non GL rosters with GL rosters in GAC. It is impossible! I'm raging and proud of it because I'm right. Come at me you cowards...
"DarjeloSalas;c-2242764" wrote:
Still no Ally code / swgoh.gg page though?[/"DarjeloSalas;c-2242766" wrote:"Kyp_Durron88;c-2242765" wrote:"TVF;c-2242163" wrote:"Kyp_Durron88;c-2242092" wrote:"Nikoms565;c-2241863" wrote:"Kyp_Durron88;c-2241737" wrote:
But if you don't have one, why are you paired with those who do? Making GAC possible, at the very least, would be a much better draw no?
No - first off, if you've been "playing since the beginning" why don't you have a GL? Second, there are non-GL counters to GL, so if you had made better decisions in building your roster (either for GLs or to counter them), you wouldn't have an issue with your GAC matchups.
GAC has been around for quite some time - how matchups are determined is fairly well understood and is fine.
Better question is why would I have a GL? Have you seen the requirements?
Because....they're worth it?
Yes, they are worth it. Those of us who farmed characters we liked pre-GLs shouldn't be matched with those rosters. How were we supposed to know we had to farm certain god-tier characters that are all from the sequel trilogy. I can't stand the sequel trilogy so I never farmed those characters.
The requirements could have just as easily been niche toons I farmed, STH for one, and then I would have been the one with the lucky advantage. Look, I get it, I would want to keep as many people out as I could too from your standpoint. Crushing people like me is nice and easy, but it's not fair.
This was possibly a defensible standpoint 12 months ago, when many ftp players began unlocking their first GL.
But now? How can you claim anyone with a GL had a “lucky advantage”?
I did take a summer off at one point and fell behind on DR, Malak, and GAS. Just now finishing those up. You make a good point here. I'm mostly just sick of losing so bad every time. I would accept a lower prize pool if I could have a chance