4 years ago
Non GL vs GL
I have been playing this game from the beginning. Why. WHY are you pairing non GL rosters with GL rosters in GAC. It is impossible! I'm raging and proud of it because I'm right. Come at me you cowards...
"ImaSmakya;c-2243168" wrote:"Kyp_Durron88;c-2243164" wrote:"ImaSmakya;c-2243143" wrote:"Kyp_Durron88;c-2243019" wrote:"Legend91;c-2242928" wrote:
It was a valid point way back then when GL's were introduced (especially for 3v3 and before Vader got his touch up and JKL was introduced). There's been enough time now for people to prepare. We know that the GAC algorithm is looking at the top 66 (3v3) / 80 (5v5) GP chars in div 1 (and fleets to some extent but details are unknown) so everyone should know that increasing the GP of that chars is going to affect matchmaking and result in getting matched with tougher opponents.
Yes, I agree with this. I'm just saying altering the affect on GP for certain characters wouldn't be a bad thing. I would still be going for GLs just like everyone else. I just think that I should be matched with an opponent who is truly at the same level. I can't win. That's not fair.
I don't understand why you keep saying you can't win and blame it on the fact that you do not have a GL. I have on many occasions been matched against opponents with a GL far before I had mine and I've managed to find a way to win in most of them. There are counters that work in almost every case (Rey 3v3 kinda sucks), you just have to do a little research and perhaps some mod work before signing up for GAC.
Sure, it can happen, on occasion, though highly unlikely, but why is it fair to give me such and overpowered opponent in the first place?
You're confused as to why I can't win without a GL? Really?
I went back through my GAC history to before I had a GL to find a few rounds from one season where I was matched up against GL's. One required 2 battles, but I still won the round so yes, I'm confused. Do I win every time I'm matched against a GL? No, but I definitely win more than I lose.