Forum Discussion

US_Underdog's avatar
8 years ago

Ok Zarris is straight up Broken

I just threw CLS, Raid Han, and even Cassian with his plethora of debuffs (including heal immunity) against a Rex, Zarris, GK team and no matter how many times I healed my squad with Chirrut, or Smokescreened to make them attack Old Ben, Zarris and GK could not be killed. My suggestion comes as this: Get rid of her cleanse, make her heal against crits percentile to the damage dealt (so that it's not unfair to players that can't get toons like CLS, GK, and you don't have to use Nihilus just to counter Zarris). She's broken and I know that the comments are going to be the typical "she's not broke, you're just a terrible player" "there are plenty of counters", or whatever stupid comment you can come up with. I've legimately tried every counter to her and none of them work reliably and you can't build a team that can defend at all. The only option for an arena team right now is GK and Zarris, the other three are just what you prefer and have available. RIP the diverse meta.

57 Replies

  • "ObiWanSteel;c-1275882" wrote:
    @JediGhost117 Do you have Thrawn? I understand your frustration but I come across this combo a fair amount and with Thrawn on your side it's an easy win. Similar to what has already been said if you fracture GK and then crit Zarriss so she gets crit immunity you can easily take her down. I don't particularly enjoy running the team I have now as I've always been a fan of full synergy teams but when I started drastically losing rank I had to adapt. I miss the days of running my old Sith team but I came across a team very similar to my old comp in GW recently and was saddened by how easily they could be beaten. Metas come and go mate, you just have to ride the wave and hope you're in front of it next time it changes. If you're annoyed now just wait until Hermit Yoda pops up on the scene, now that's going to be frustrating and no doubt they will have Zarriss on the team. I'm only trying to help so please don't rain down on me, I don't even have Barriss unlocked by the way.
    Oh and for me the most broken toon in the game is your avatar, he drives me nuts ;) . I know how to deal with him but he still regularly makes me punch my phone!

    I have Thrawn, but not geared. Since I can't put a Zeta on him, I'm not wasting the ridiculous amount of gear on him
  • "JediGhost117;c-1275880" wrote:
    "tialishomaaroma;c-1275874" wrote:
    "JediGhost117;c-1275857" wrote:
    "tialishomaaroma;c-1275851" wrote:
    mate, there are so many toons who can beat zarris. just read abilities. i know 5 toons, someone maybe know more. think mate. if this doesnt help - watch some youtube videos

    Thanks for the predictable comment I knew people would make. I've used them and they do not work like you claim. Move along

    tell me, what toons you used? check mods on them. if you know how zarris works, so you should be able to beat her. and she is not that strong, cls, raid han, leia, r2, nihilis, thrawn are way better

    Yawn. Your copy and paste comments are what I predicted people would say. I know how she works, that doesn't mean she's any easier to beat

    if dont want any help, not my problem. i dont have zarris, but im fighting against her every day, and still like her. good toon, no need to fix anything
  • "JediGhost117;c-1275881" wrote:
    "Broulan;c-1275876" wrote:
    "JediGhost117;c-1275852" wrote:
    "collapsE;c-1275847" wrote:
    Any teams that's meta, you mean cls teams only? Man you will get no love here for your crying that sombody hurt your cls, if you can't make strategy about beating zarris gk combo yourself, try YouTube.

    Wedge leads, DN leads, Tarkin leads, Jyn leads, hell even Ewok teams could maybe have a chance if it weren't for Zarris

    110% false. If this were true they'd be around, because the Zarriss teams (even teams where GK isn't the lead) make up less than 20% of the meta teams currently, so you could just battle opponents other than Zarriss teams with any one of those teams you claim are viable.

    The truth is Zarriss is the only one standing up against a toon as ridiculously power creeped as CLS. The guys who have her are smart and still countering her (hence why she's 20% or less) and the guys who have her and can't beat her are whining. The guys that don't have her are waiting for zetas for number crunch!

    56% of the top 1 teams right now use Zarris. Check your facts buddy before you you come in here to my thread with that tone

    I literally just looked, its 20%: If you look at the section you're looking at the #1 squad is used 161% of the time, which is clearly ridiculous. Scroll down to see simply how much that character is used, and its 20%.

    "JediGhost117;c-1275884" wrote:
    "Broulan;c-1275879" wrote:
    "JediGhost117;c-1275861" wrote:
    "Darksouls2020;c-1275853" wrote:
    You just mad cause u have a hard in arena. Join a shard chat work together. Or just go out and run you own gk/bariss team.

    Fight fire with Fire, you're great for advice buddy. You work for EA or something. "Oh something is blatantly broken, just use it to fight other teams that are broken until the whole game is broken".

    Fire with Fire is trying to beat CLS with CLS, which is what most people are doing.


    I agree, hence instead of whine about CLS I decided to gear my newly found GK (took a break from the game due to work, so it was nice to have him on a shard that he's been in most of the top 50 teams for 6 months) and run the counter meta. What baffles me is how many people are complaining about a toon that is literally a counter meta but is a collection of bad skills with one interesting unique.

    You're calling everyone else sheep, boring, etc...but honestly I think you just lack the creativity to beat her.
  • "Broulan;c-1275893" wrote:
    What baffles me is how many people are complaining about a toon that is literally a counter meta but is a collection of bad skills with one interesting unique.

    You're calling everyone else sheep, boring, etc...but honestly I think you just lack the creativity to beat her.

    +++ perfect. love it
  • You don't need to zeta Thrawn. I never have. He's only 5 star until the event returns but he's still a fantastic toon in many aspects of the game especially when you get him to gear XI. I can highly recommend gearing him up, you won't be disappointed.
  • "JediGhost117;c-1275846" wrote:
    "JVU420;c-1275844" wrote:
    She's so easy to beat. Thrawn fracture GK, then attack zBarriss. She gets critical immunity from GK so when you attack her she doesn't heal. You can also use CLS and ability block GK and go to work on zBarriss.

    Another predictable comment. Thanks for the master strats that everybody knows already. I told you that I've done this already. It doesn't work reliably.

    Lol how is it not reliable when I beat zBarriss with GK lead 100% of the time.
  • I’m another Zarriss hater. Not because I can’t beat her; anyone can beat anyone. But because she turns arena matches into boring slots, her ability blunts the impact of my heroes making them less fun to use, and allows teams to win on offence that shouldn’t because the AI can’t cope with her. Also, players use her because she’s annoying, which isn’t great either.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Zarriss should heal 50% of a critical hit, punishing 186% crit damage teams while not reducing the impact of 216% crit damage teams and also ensuring that heroes won’t heal more damage than they are dealt, which is frankly perverse.