6 years ago
Old Republic tag
Why don’t all the characters that are from the Old Republic getting the tag? Looking in the direction of the Triumvirate and other three sith lackeys (Marauder, Assassin and Trooper)
"Bubblechomp;c-1803456" wrote:
But of course this tag issue is throughout the entire game. Ahsoka Fulcrum should also have the Phoenix tag. Vet Han and Chewie should be Resistance. Jango should be Separatist. Nest should be Rebel. Tarkin should be Galactic Republic.
"Bubblechomp;c-1803456" wrote:
Even when it comes to Revan, the Jedi and Darth versions of Revan were never really in Knights of the Old Republic, just quick flash backs. It’s all backstory stuff that happens before you begin the game. Revan lost his memories and you slowly find out who your character really was. Technically Revan’s his Sith name, like Vader is to Anakin, and Malak is to Alek—his Jedi name is unknown. So calling him Jedi Revan is an oxymoron, and would be like calling the Anakin at the end of RotJ “Jedi Vader.” It doesn’t make sense. That’s how obscure the ingame versions of Revan were in KotOR.
Yet, Revan dominates SWGOH—a character not even considered canon anymore. ?
"KatmaiStorm;c-1803581" wrote:"Bubblechomp;c-1803456" wrote:
But of course this tag issue is throughout the entire game. Ahsoka Fulcrum should also have the Phoenix tag. Vet Han and Chewie should be Resistance. Jango should be Separatist. Nest should be Rebel. Tarkin should be Galactic Republic.
Agree on most,but Jango probably is as much of a separatist as Boba was part of the Empire. And Tarkin is shown as Grand Moff Tarkin, a political position not even created until years into the reign of the Empire, so a republic tag wouldn't be applicable to this version of him.
"MagicMatthews99;c-1803769" wrote:
I don't really care for any of this OR/KOTOR stuff, so I don't really care who gets the tag. That being said, why did I take the time and effort to get Visas to 7*?
"Pariah_Anchorite;c-1804037" wrote:
Marr is a trivial character now. Had a nitche in P1 Sith Raid, but the team is better with revan in p2
Give Marr OR tag and she would be a solid character again. with Jedi tag, doubly so