You guy are completely wrong about ship store : you should buy zeta on it.
Not to hard to keep yourself in top 50. 1300 token is enough for 1 zeta every 2 days + 5 shard of slave or cimetarry as a bonus.
My first zeta asks me 30 days. Very bad rng on challenges. I received 8 zeta with them and bought 12 in shop store.
What is the point of being more competitive on ship fights ? Unless you get top 3 every day there is quite no difference between top 100 and top 10 if you think on duration and not on a single day.
Just ignore ship competition for the moment. We will all end 7* ship and g11 pilots. Then you'll be able to compete with you dollars, buying new ships before others.
Remember, cristals >>> all. So focus on zeta >>> ships