Forum Discussion

EvenMoarDakka's avatar
7 years ago

Panic Farm time!

Here's my current situation as far as the Artist of War event is concerned

Kanan, Zeb and Chopper are G8
Hera is G7 (lacking a stun gun, but am currently at 27/50 shards, carbanti is saved up)
Ezra is G9

the panic farm part is, Hera is currently 56/100, and ezra is 48/100, Do i have enough time to 7* em both for an attempt on Thrawn's 7th star?

Are the gear levels enough? Uniques are Omega'd (except ezra's, but that can be arranged), Hera's lead is Omega'd, and i think could shift around some mods if needed be.

Can I do it or leave it for next time?

Ironically, i feel that i'm more than ready to not only unlock Chimera, but take it to 6* right away.

4 Replies

  • You need 96 shards.

    You have 8 days.

    That's 12 shards a day. Assuming you buy the cheap 100 crystals you should do this in a canter.

    To make it easier Ezra is occasionally in the fleet store and both Ezra and hera are occasionally in the guild event store.

    You can do the shards with ease. As to the event itself with frequent prayers to rngesus you can pull it off.
  • You also need speed and possibly more gear. Or strength of will. I hear is doable at G8 at the about 9685th try. Good luck! May the odds ever be in your favour!
  • Heh, freaking approval pending, from when I posted to when it was actually approved, i went to need only 70ish shards,
    @Naraic exactly what im doing, im farming hera first, and grabbing whatever ezra shards pop up on fleet (no guild event currency available)

    As. Bonus i had misread it, hera isnt g7 to g8, but one stungun away from g9
    I might be able to actually do it