Allowing individuals to set there own payout times would have the same effect as allowing you to use the best rank in last 24hrs...
It will allow everyone the "opportunity" to snag gems everyday, we all know that would be a great inventive to get player retention up... there still will be people who fail to do it because life happened and other misc reasons... idk which of the above options would be easier to code into the game.
This change would give all players, especially the f2p's access to the one area of the game EA/CG REALLY needs them be... it literally forces them to spend, and that exposure is the spark of life the game needs... more micropurchases... bring back some form of daily gem pack... like something that costs 1$-5$ and gives like x amount of gems per week/month...
Or how about something like a rewards booster pak? They could be tailored for events like LSTB, DSTB or TW to give like an additional amount of guild tokens, guild event tokens, credits and guaranteed gear per phase/zone of the TB/TW... heck you could even cement the deal and really give the P2W community the leg up they've always wanted AND hook everyone else by making different levels of the booster example below...
Like 0.99$ TW booster... (duration 3 days of TW)
- 50 gems each of the 3 days TW active.
- 250 guild event store/guild store tokens for each defensive team set or offensive win.
- guild event store/guild store tokens reward from 1st or 2nd place is increased by 50%
* guild rewards are increased for ENTIRE guild the # of members who have this 0.99$ guild buff active.
This will certainly motivate serious guild dedication.
Make several brackets of these buffs gained by the whole guild-
Bronzium- 1 guild member buffed = +10% increase in amount of banners gained.
Durasteel- 10 guild members buffed = +25% banner gain rate, +25% TW reward boost, +1 zeta & +2 omega.
Chromium- 25 or more guild members buffed = +100% banner gain rate, +100% TW reward boost, +2 zeta & 4 omega. 5 shards of whampa or hermit yoda.
just a few ideas to kick around... @OP adjusting payouts in a positive way the above is a great way to earn the players loyalty to implement a surefire way to gain steady revenue because there will be competitive players & guilds that make buying boosters like I mentioned mandatory, and it creates tons of opportunity for F2P players they've never been exposed to and they will make a 0.99$ purchase... it's too tempting. It can also benefit the individual AND the guild at the same time. And it gives whales & kraken the ability to gain ground over F2P at a considerable faster rate which to my knowledge has been big issue among them. Every body wins... and the games mechanics are still in place.