Forum Discussion

Presaria71's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
7 years ago

Pieces and Plans Mythic Tier 3

So, I'm using my squad mods, Finn zeta, everyone omega'd up (no zeta on JTR)....and i am getting lit up. My squad is half dead before I get a turn. How amped up does your squad need to be?
  • here to agree with op, and to sigh at another tears response. You nailed it bud, the devs are out to get us. It's the only answer to a hard event
  • Really how hard does this event really need to be... I scream Foul play by the Developers.. haha the laughs on us
  • probably tuned up to g12ish levels, and yes the FO take abt 3 turns before u take a turn, so i have to retry 2-3 times as if they focus one character, even if he is g12, he will probably die, so gotta retry for some acceptable RNG
    Last time i completed it with my zFin, poe, RT, RP, scav rey

    This time completed it with
    JTR (she was g11 yesterday when i did it), bb8, r2d2, RT, scav rey

    Mods are same on my resistance for ages xD
  • I have G11 zFinn and RT, G9 zR2 and Poe and G8 BB-8. Press go and watch them all (well most) die before getting a turn. Do it again. Same. Repeat..... Yesterday took 2 turns before I got a go with everyone still alive and they didn't get another turn. Today it took close to a dozen but same result, as soon it is my turn with all still alive then it is all but won.

    Yeah, tedious but just keep going until RNG means you get a go with everyone still alive. Compared to 7* Thrawn which must have taken me 200 goes this was not too much of a pain and you definitely do not need G12 everything. Best make sure you are modded so Poe is decently fast and exposes land though, do that and sooner or later things will fall your way.