I got to chuckle at the fact that it says Relic 5+ recommended. I didn’t even use Malak (mine isn’t 7* yet). I used G12 zPalpatine lead, G12, zBastila, G12 zNihilus, G12 zSion, and G13 Relic 7 zzzDarth Revan. The turn meter they gain was more than enough to run laps around the Jedi. My Nihilus at the end was gaining 400k health back per turn due to his Annihilates (if you do the math it’s over 2 million health cause with Palp lead a debuff inflicted = 20% health recovery) and Jedi that are shocked lose 40% health per turn. I tried Traya lead and didn’t make it past wave 1. Tried Revan lead got to wave 2 and died. Palpatine, didn’t lose a single character! It was still a long battle but 3* with only one Relic Toon is not bad!