Forum Discussion

Neldoroth's avatar
8 years ago

Please consider making revan character

Now that it's 2018 I think developing a revan character would be amazing. There are so many people who would love to see this happen. You already have Darth Nihilus, sith assasins & sith trooper from KOTOR. It wouldn't be a huge jump to create Revan. The kind of character he'll be is of course up to you....but we ALL want to see him!! Plus he'd be an excellent addition to the dark side that is needed. please @CG_Kozispoon....... your our only hope..

Please anyone who agrees or disagrees share your thoughts.
  • "FierceRevan;c-1415385" wrote:
    When the galactic republic (1032-32 BBY) became the galactic empire a la Palpatine in 32 BBY it (the galactic republic) was referred to the "old republic" (as referenced in A New Hope) because the "tee Republic" was now the galactic empire, but the OG old republic is the time before 1032 BBY when the Jedi defeated the Sith and going back to the beginning of Star Wars lore

    I'm all formmore Sith and Jedi characters as this is the basis for Star Wars to me. But since EA has exclusive rights to Revan, he is much more likely than Darth Bane whom they have licensee rights from Disney for

    The old republic era and the newest republic began when the new Sith wars ended, via Bane indirectly killing all the Sith, the surviving Jedi took it to transfer power of the republic into average civialians. And what do you mean? They'd need Lucas film/Disney approval to add either character
  • "Zombie961;c-1415467" wrote:
    And what do you mean? They'd need Lucas film/Disney approval to add either character

    Yes this is true, as Disney owns Lucasfilm, who owns LucasArts , but EA owns BioWare outright (who made KOTOR). EA has exclusive gaming licensing to all Star Wars games via Lucasfilm and Disney. For the KOTOR game and it's trademarked characters i.e. Revan, EA already owned the rights to them via Bioware and it's license agreement with LucasArts; this was before and separate from the licensee agreement EA currently holds with Disney/Lucasfilm for Star Wars games mesa tinks
  • "Cstone812;c-1415800" wrote:
    Come on you know y’all would much rather have Rose than Darth Revan.

    The rose of Tralee maybe