Forum Discussion

Holysilvereign's avatar
9 years ago

Please increase drop rate of MK 8 Blastech Weapon

360 energy and only drop 2 for me. Will you consider increase the drop rate on this? Because lots on heroes are using this one and we need 20 on this item.
  • i think EA is not greed. Remember they are giving this game for free its up to you if spend or not. Before the drop rates is fine of this MK8 Blastech weapon. But since the update its very rare to drop. If they consider increase the drop rate maybe we can wait for more update adjustment.
  • Yeah I'm about 30%, without actually charting it out.

    Sucks, no question.

    Wish the stuff was in challenges instead.
  • Is that the thing you need 20 of to get Dooku to Gear 7? If so, yeah, for the love of God, make it easier to get.
  • Oh God yes please make it easier. Especially since like 8 of my characters need the damn thing.