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ikl8zwlfcup5's avatar
New Traveler
3 months ago

Why You Should Mod GL Ahsoka Tano for Protection Instead of Health

Hey everyone!

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to mod GL Ahsoka Tano, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. A lot of players seem to go for Health primaries when modding her.

But after diving deeper into her stats, abilities, and team interactions, I’m think that Protection primaries might actually be the better option. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Let’s break this down step by step. 

Team Composition Assumptions

For this analysis, I’m looking at a classic GL Ahsoka Tano team in Grand Arena Championships (GAC):

  • GL Ahsoka Tano
  • Ezra Bridger (Padawan Exile)
  • Padawan Sabine Wren
  • Huyang
  • General Hera Syndulla

We’ll assume all relevant Omicrons are active (e.g., Ezra’s GAC Omicron). As far as I know, since Ahsoka doesn’t gain Exile, any mechanics dependent on gaining or losing Exile won’t apply to her.

Modding Scenarios and Their Effects on Stats

Before we look at mechanics, let’s compare how Ahsoka’s stats shape up with Health vs. Protection primaries.

Modding Assumptions

  • Mod Sets: Speed + Health sets.
  • Arrow Primary: Health/Protection.
  • GL Ahsoka Tano is at Relic 9 with the following base stats:
    • Base Health: 122,401
    • Base Protection: 98,919

Case 1:  Four Health Primaries

  • Health Set Bonus (+10%) and Health Primaries (+64%):
    122,401 × 1.74 = 212,978
  • GL Unique (+90% Max Health and Protection):
    • Max Health: 212,978 × 1.90 = 404,658
    • Max Protection: 98,919 × 1.90 = 187,946
  • Total (Health + Protection):
    404,658 + 187,946 = 592,604

Case 2: Four Protection Primaries

  • Health Set Bonus (+10%) and Protection Primaries (+96%):
    • Health: 122,401 × 1.10 = 134,641
    • Protection: 98,919 × 1.96 = 193,881
  • GL Unique (+90% Max Health and Protection):
    • Max Health: 134,641 × 1.90 = 255,818
    • Max Protection: 193,881 × 1.90 = 368,374
  • Total (Health + Protection):
    255,818 + 368,374 = 624,192

Preliminary Conclusion

When it comes to raw stats, Protection primaries edge out Health primaries with a slightly higher combined total. However, the difference is fairly small.

That said, raw stats are only part of the picture. Let's look at the mechanics:

Mechanics That Favor Health

  1. General Hera Syndulla:
    • Grants the strongest tank Taunt and 50% Protection Up for 2 turns with her second special.
    • When Perfect Defense expires, Spectre tanks gain 50% Protection Up for 2 turns.
  2. Ezra Bridger:
    • His first special grants all Spectre allies and a target ally 50% Protection Up (stacking) for 2 turns.
  3. Huyang (Unique):
    • When any Spectre ally loses Exile, Huyang gains History of the Galaxy. Every time this happens, all Spectre allies gain 50% Bonus Protection for 2 turns, scaling with Max Protection.
  4. Ahsoka Tano:
    • Basic Ability: Grants herself 5% Bonus Protection (stacking) until the end of the encounter.

Mechanics That Favor Protection

  1. Ahsoka Tano: 
    • Mastery Scaling: Ahsoka’s Mastery increases Protection, not Health.
  2. Team Reliance on Mastery Gains:
    • Ahsoka’s Ultimate:
      • Grants all Light Side allies 10%, 20%, and 30% Mastery as it charges.
    • Ahsoka’s Lead Ability: Spectre allies gain +30% Defense, Mastery, and Offense. Additionally, whenever a Spectre ally has a buff dispelled, they gain 10% Turn Meter and 5% Mastery (stacking) until the end of the battle.

These Mastery mechanics are critical because they directly enhance Ahsoka’s Max Protection through stacking effects, further amplifying her survivability when modded for Protection.

Final Thoughts

So, I’d conclude that the truly relevant mechanic here is Mastery gain, as the team generates such significant amounts of it. As we’ve seen above, the stats themselves don’t show a huge difference, but the scaling becomes much better with Protection modding.

I totally understand that all the Bonus Protection and Protection Up effects make Health a compelling choice. However, I think that since the team gains so much Mastery, the Protection scaling ultimately outweighs the benefits of higher Health.

That’s just my take, though! What do you think? Is there something I might have missed that makes Health a stronger choice? I’d love to hear your thoughts and have a discussion about it!

5 Replies

  • digger010's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    3 months ago

    I also find it cool/interesting that some mod her with defense primaries. There are pretty much no characters that want defense primaries and certainly not a GL.

  • ikl8zwlfcup5's avatar
    New Traveler
    3 months ago

    Yep. Would be nice to get some Characters that want Defense/Accuracy primaries. So I could have a spot for my high speed Defense/Accuracy Mods.

  • I tried to look up how mastery affects stats.  What little info I found (bulldog vid from a few years back) suggested that each point of mastery adds a fixed, flat amount of protection; specifically 220 protection per mastery point for a Strength tank like Ahsoka.  If true, that would mean that modding does not affect her protection gains from mastery - and so health modding would be the best of both worlds. 

    Does anyone have info to the contrary, ie that protection gains from mastery are affected by modding?


  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    3 months ago

    From what I understood, protection is effected by max health, as strange as it is.  When I look at some of the top players and how they're modding her, it's with health primaries.  So, I'm going with that for the time being.

    Maybe when CG fixes all the bugs with spectre and ahsoka things will change.

  • ikl8zwlfcup5's avatar
    New Traveler
    3 months ago

    If the mastery gain works that way, then you are right with health primaries. Would be interesting to know.

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