I’m pissed about this.
I was intrigued at the beginning by the load of new quests and trackers; watching bars fill and numbers go up is how you sell games. Good show.
Then I realized how many of those bars were locked behind requiring the brand-new character. Then I looked at GC, and realized that where before they maybe locked up a quarter of the feats behind the new hotness, now they’ve moved to HALF the feats, and didn’t even bother concealing the ‘give us money’. It’s frankly insulting.
I’ve been playing SWGOH for eight years; started back near the beginning. Five GLs, almost all the conquest characters, heaps of investment. I’ve never been a whale, but I’ve put PLENTY of cash into this game. And… I think I may FINALLY be finished with it, and its increasing reliance on extorting more money, more and more regularly.
I’ll sit with that decision for a bit, but I am not here to play a subscription, where I have to dump 20-60$ per month into a mobile game just to enjoy my time with it and not have it rubbed in my face. Screw that.