Forum Discussion

Vice_Torn's avatar
Rising Newcomer
8 years ago

Potency in Raids

I have a somewhat complex question which should have a simple answer.

If I assume a raid boss(Lvl 90) is affected by tendacity down. If my toon has 100% potency I will still be resisted 15%, same if it had 80%. My question is how low can my potency be and still only be resisted 15% of the time? I am sure someone has worked this out...
  • "Vice_torn;c-1230578" wrote:
    Ahh...most responders do not fully understand the question I am asking...

    If my tm guy only has 0% potency, even with tenacity down it will be resisted half the time because of the level split.

    Resist chance = tenacity-potency+levelsplit*10. ...... I think, with a minimum resist chance of 15%... And a max of 85%.

    If tenacity down reduces tendacity to 15 then my magic number is 50%potency(more then that is unnessary). If tenacity is reduced to 0, then I only need 35% to only be resisted 15% of the time. I think the case is the later.

    It's quite simple, with tenacity down there's 15% tenacity left on the boss, 15% tenacity = 15% chance to resist, it doesn't matter if you have 0% or 1,000,000% potency
  • Vice_Torn's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    @Ztyle @Huatimus, thank you for your response, But you both are ignoring difference in level, which matters! Even with tenacity down, against a target 5 levels above you need a certain amount of potency to minimize the chance of resisting. The point of my question was to ask exactly how much potency was needed.
  • "Vice_torn;c-1230691" wrote:
    @Ztyle @Huatimus, thank you for your response, But you both are ignoring difference in level, which matters! Even with tenacity down, against a target 5 levels above you need a certain amount of potency to minimize the chance of resisting. The point of my question was to ask exactly how much potency was needed.

    Tenacity Down is -999900% tenacity. No matter the level delta, the end result will still be negative. So even with 0% potency, you will run into the base 15% chance to resist.
  • "Vice_torn;c-1230691" wrote:
    @Ztyle @Huatimus, thank you for your response, But you both are ignoring difference in level, which matters! Even with tenacity down, against a target 5 levels above you need a certain amount of potency to minimize the chance of resisting. The point of my question was to ask exactly how much potency was needed.

    It doesn't matter if you are level 1 or 85 and it doesn't matter if the boss is level 2 or 6000
    With tenacity down the boss only has a 15% chance to resist, no matter what
    It's that simple, forget about everything else as it has ZERO impact on the chance to imply a debuff on a boss with tenacity down