Forum Discussion

Palanthrax's avatar
5 years ago

Pre-Crafting Controversy Returns in 2019

Players from 2016 will remember the pre-crafting issue where a number of players got ahead of the rest by crafting gear before a loophole was closed.

Now here we are again. If you have one of a select few characters at a low enough gear level, you can craft these and basically never have to worry about relic tier 3 ever again:

If, however, you’ve invested in your roster and can’t craft this piece anymore, the exchange rate for the uncrafted components is laughably smaller, you’ll run out while others have thousands.

Once again this creates two classes of player, one lucky, one totally screwed. This problem exists to a smaller degree in other relic tiers.


The information is already out there, the damage is already done.

Find a way to make all gear craftable from the gear exchange, whether you have characters who need it or not. And do it fast. This is going to create a huge player imbalance that will be impossible to fix, the more time goes by.