Forum Discussion

bfiat's avatar
3 years ago

Profundity Feedback

You seem to be listening to us so here is some feedback on the Profundity. What happens for this ship is typical and happens too often unfortunately.

Two days ago you posted this:
Why is Admiral Raddus required at such a high Relic level?
In order to give the Profundity a good initial impression, we wanted to ensure that the crew of the ship would be on par with the Relic 9 Admiral Pietts that are on a good chunk of Executors out there.

Dans today we have an event whitch is not easy and use a G11 Raddus... We are not dumb, raddus R9 and other req are for making money, and it's ok, stop BS pls. It just make players angry.
And if I'm ok whith a "hard" event, the bonus tier that we have to do 25 times or so to have the profundity 7 stars, shoukd be a "relatively easy one" not a tiedious one that need us to retry for good rng or need us to up a ship that has no use after the event.

Second statement:
"Where is Profundity intended to sit within the Meta?
We worked very hard to engineer a ship that can beat a defending Executor of equal investment. In the flip situation, with that same Executor attacking a defending Profundity, the battle should fall in the Executor’s favor."

This is again BS. Sorry to say that but the "worked very hard" is in fact the IA start with first special instead of second one! That make the executor counter event easier that executor miror! But most important is that it WILL make soft counters easier. You guys design a ship that clearly have all the capability to be great and make it totaly dumb in defense. It's frustrating, it's not a well design either and it will lead some cheap counters that you said you don't want.

So well pls, we love this game, don't make us hate it with those typical behaviors.