Forum Discussion
well... if you don't know why he is so irritated by this then you are probably don't know why Fleet Arena is so important, or you are a lucky one who has no problems cause have all the counters needed. There are many players who went for Prof instead of Exec at start spending much time and money and they got really Punished. CG should admit this was not a good move and try to rebalance this part of the game again. (it was well balanced before P1 arrived)
It’s the next new thing why is everyone acting like this is somehow totally different? With all respect of course, but that’s like saying hey we grinded for third sister just to get countered by Phoenix just by adding rex. I understand why fleet arena is important but this happens literally all the time. If the release of leviathan wasn’t so rough it also would’ve been easy to see that all that time getting prof was trumped by levi too
- Tuttebassen3 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Exec is the oldest meta fleet, and with one 3* P1 they basically made it impossible to win with my profundity. So this is something totally different. They’ve f…… up numerous times before, but this time to such a degree that I am actually comtemplating quitting, and I’ve been ppaying this from release and seen a lot of bs.
- bookert2k3 months agoSeasoned Traveler
You can't see the difference in a new GL level capital ship with maybe the stiffest requirements in the game showing up and topping the meta, vs a new free non-capital ship that you don't even need to farm completely suddenly beating everything?
I'll acknowledge that you do need the third place GL capital ship for it, but you're comparing something that takes 2 relic 9's, and multiple other relic 7's and 5's, plus a conquest ship with a conquest pilot against something that requires you to... basically not forget to auto the event each day that week.
I have all the ships, so I don't have a huge dog in the fight, and as such am not in the outraged about-to-quit-the-game club, but the balance in fleets that was actually relatively solid is now basically shot, and I absolutely sympathize with the Profundity crowd, especially the ones that just finished it.
- c9kdvekrla2l3 months agoRising Newcomer
You have a good point! It's annoying when a gamer's hard work gets overlooked by a new release. Every upgrade has its difficulties. And as circular as it may seem, I understand Fleet Arena is important, but it's hard when new material throws the balance so badly off course. Hopefully the next update will be more smooth! Whatsapp Plus APK
- B3n1M4n0-HUN3 months agoRising Rookie
Not a good comparison. Exec was beating Prof and Levi before P1. Phoenix was not beating Reva before CRex. It was an unnecessary OP buff to Exec.
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