Forum Discussion

Javick_Starage's avatar
5 years ago

QoL: auto place platoons in TB

I find TB kinda boring and platoon placement remains one of the biggest chores in this game.

I’d love it if we could be given an auto place option. The logic is relatively simple.

1. For each platoon, Check if platoon can be completed
2. If false, exit and move to next platoon
3. Else, look for lowest GP toon for each slot and fill.
4. Repeat for next platoon
5. End if no platoons can be filled.

I hate having to manually place characters for TB in platoons. It’s super tedious and annoys the hell out of other people if you miss it due to real life commitments.

Can we please remove the tedious admin from TB?

Furthermore, can we make it so we can actually use the toons we have to place so it stops decimating teams when I lose, bossk, revan, emo bastilla etc?

2 Replies

  • Well. Maybe decimating teams was the intention of platoons, when they developed TB ?
  • NasRegal's avatar
    New Spectator
    5 years ago
    In phase 4, you need 16 Bossk, 16 Revan, 9 Talzin, 5 Palp and 4 Traya to fill all platoons.
    That adds up to 50, the exact number of members in a guild, its like CG knows what they're doing...
    I don't include KRU in this, only because he's been replaced by another Kylo.
    (If you can't work out how to sort platoons from that, I'm not waiting around to explain it to you)