10 years ago
Quick and Simple Question
@EA_Jesse or anyone else who can answer.
So is the update "done"?
The reason for the question is that I am at level 70, and simply don't want to "cash in" may daily rewards if there is another piece of the update coming later today which raises the level cap. I accidentally did this at 60 hours befor the raise to 70, and basically wasted a days worth of XP - just wanted to make sure this didn't happen again.
So is the update "done"?
The reason for the question is that I am at level 70, and simply don't want to "cash in" may daily rewards if there is another piece of the update coming later today which raises the level cap. I accidentally did this at 60 hours befor the raise to 70, and basically wasted a days worth of XP - just wanted to make sure this didn't happen again.