Another Appeal for a Pirate Faction
I'm loving the pirate focus that the first two episodes of Skeleton Crew has had. Pirates are often minor characters in most of the other SW stories, but with the spotlight now placed on Pirates, I am hoping that there will eventually be a Pirate faction (and maybe a few sub factions like the Cloud Riders) in SWGoH by the time the game's content catches up with the show. To prepare for this, CG could roll out occasional releases of Pirate Characters and Ships featured in other SW materials. A list of possibilities is below that could be further fleshed out:
Enfys Nest (could be given a Pirate leader ability) - same abilities as currently, but add a leader ability for Pirates and Cloud-Riders
Benthic "Two Tubes" (could also have Partisan and Rebel faction tags) - sharpshooter abilities
Weasel (could also have a Hutt Cartel faction tag) - explosives abilities
Thea "Starfall" Starros - sniper abilities and can have synergies with Sana Starros as well
Waydruk - Heavy gunner abilities
Silvasu Fi - melee and blaster rifle abilities
Chussido (could also have a Bounty Hunter faction tag) - blaster rifle abilities
Ohnoka Gang:
Hondo Ohnoka (could be given a Pirate leader ability and Bounty Hunter faction tag (belonged to the Bounty Hunter Guild)) - same abilities as currently, but could add leadership abilities for Pirates and Ohnoka Gang.
R5-P8 - Astromech mounted with a blaster rifle
Gwarm - sharpshooter abilities
Jiro - heavy gunner abilities
Goru - tank abilities
Pirate Nation:
Pirate King Gorian Shard - Pirate Leader with his own capital ship (Shard's Cumulus Class Corsair)
Vane - blaster pistol abilities who also has his own Snub Fighter ship
Brutus - powerful gunslinger abilities
Gunter - cyborg support abilities
Pax - blaster pistol and (possibly) detonator abilities