Forum Discussion

Icerunner45's avatar
8 years ago

R2 event question

It says it ends on the 11th. Does that mean exactly on the 11th or will we have time to use energy refreshes that day?
  • But does that mean there will be time on the 11th to spend energy refreshes or do these events end exactly when it hits midnight on the 10th?
  • "Silky;c-1199866" wrote:
    But does that mean there will be time on the 11th to spend energy refreshes or do these events end exactly when it hits midnight on the 10th?

  • "Jamesm;c-1199867" wrote:
    "Silky;c-1199866" wrote:
    But does that mean there will be time on the 11th to spend energy refreshes or do these events end exactly when it hits midnight on the 10th?


    Yes to which question?
  • "Silky;c-1199871" wrote:
    "Jamesm;c-1199867" wrote:
    "Silky;c-1199866" wrote:
    But does that mean there will be time on the 11th to spend energy refreshes or do these events end exactly when it hits midnight on the 10th?


    Yes to which question?

    You will have the event open until the end of the 11th.
  • Since it's feedback section: there are, luckly for the game, new players among us. We had a month to get ready for Palpatine - great. 3 weeks for Yoda - less great, buy hey. Now 2 days for R2 and he might be required for new Luke? That's really not ok and doesn't really make me want to spend more coin on the game, which is grindy enough as it is and yet I get my plans messed up like that. Thanks for reading.
  • I already stopped spending because this very issue was troubling me, and it had only gotten worse. For a game that optimizes planning ahead it's very counterproductive. We went from what, 2-3 weeks' notice with the first r2 event to 2 weeks for Thrawn. Now it's down to a matter of days and it's apparent that this is your new way of doing things. It seems like a very transparent way of forcing panicked spending.

    And now we're getting these other events with their dates 'redacted'. You could argue that it was fitting (although a little too 'cute') for thrawn because of his mysteriousness. That was fine once. But doing it again is just annoying and unnecessary. It defeats the whole purpose of having an 'upcoming events' post.

    I would rather be well informed about specific dates with the possibility that a date could be pushed back than have this constant blind groping and guessing. We need time to prepare for events.
  • "Xezee;c-1199928" wrote:
    Now 2 days for R2 and he might be required for new Luke?

    Don't panic. Nowhere has this been said, nor hinted, it's only a wild guess by some players. There's an update coming soon, and we'll learn more in the next 24 hours.
    Moreover, August 3rd is just the beginning, it'll last until 11th (and dates are not set in stone), so you have, counting today, ten days to do some farming.
    But really, everyone who wants R2 has had three months to farm Empire. Two days or ten days, it makes no difference - if you haven't been farming them until now, you couldn't be ready.
  • Exactly. I missed r2 the first go around, and farmed my empire in anticipation of his return. I'm ready, and greatly appreciate that he will be available!
  • "Ambassador;c-1200147" wrote:

    Moreover, August 3rd is just the beginning, it'll last until 11th (and dates are not set in stone), so you have, counting today, ten days to do some farming.
    But really, everyone who wants R2 has had three months to farm Empire. Two days or ten days, it makes no difference - if you haven't been farming them until now, you couldn't be ready.

    Not for newer accounts. My alt is 1 month old and I did not expect R2 to come around again for at least another month or two. I was lucky and just managed to activate palpatine with 2 weeks of dedicated rebel farming so it is possible to at least 5-star in that timeframe. I could perhaps have done the same with R2 had I known, so your last statement is wrong. I specifically debated after the palpatine event whether I should start my Empire farm yet, but considered it to be safe to wait and farm some Jedi first instead since we had had no hint of R2 coming any time soon.