Forum Discussion

Doom_Carrot's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 hours ago

Raid Difficulty Has Shifted - CG, Do You Think We Are Stupid?

No, droideka did not used to take 3.5 turns for each of mine last month (mods did not change).

No, B1's on Tier 4 did not used to have enough health to survive a full round of attacks from jedi with potency up under Lumi zeta.

No, leader B1 did not used to be able to 1v5 my entire team for so long they stack 30% enrage meter.

The difficulty of this raid has been silently changing. We all know it, we all feel it, and guilds are being frustrated by it. CG, if you are going to move the goalposts on us, the least you could do is try to poorly communicate it like you have done through the Punishing One fleet ecosystem disaster. Why keep your players in the dark and treat us like we are too dumb to notice changes to hidden raid stats?

  • 4dqv2etcra6x's avatar
    Rising Adventurer

    I actually didn’t feel much of a change probably because I am a low tier player but I definitely agree that punishing one is a disaster and CG is cooking up something bad and pretending nothing is happening as if we are idiots. One thing is the drop rates on some of the nodes. I definitely think that it is getting unbalanced or maybe I’m just being impatient. I’m not sure. 

  • The only changes they've made were nerfing the first two or three tiers. It's unfortunately just the ludicrous amounts of RNG and the ridiculously overtuned enemies and modifiers that make the raid such a trainwreck. And I can definitely understand your concerns over its becoming more and more frustrating. These last few runs, the DDKs and even the regular B1s have been dodging way too often, for example. Protection disruption is still being applied to Gungans. The whole TM reset at the start of each wave, especially when you're running a Maul team. I could go on and on. The theme and the visuals are great, it's the execution that leaves a lot to be desired. I can hardly wait to see what the next raid will be like.