Forum Discussion

WhiteGold0201's avatar
7 years ago

Raid Team Thoughts

I’m fairly new to the game and have a very limited amount of experience with the rancor since I only have a few 7* toons. I’m now level 78 and am slowly inching towards that 82 mark so i can get Zader.

My first question is about the squad I’m planning to use when that time comes. I’m planning to use this team so tell me what you think: Zader - L, Tarkin, TFP (for tenacity down), Magmatrooper, and Teebo. My thought is that these all can manipulate TM with Zader and Teebo can cloak and remove 100% with his basic which is good during the rancor I’d think. I haven’t touched Jyn as I’ve been working on other toons but eventually she could take the place of Teebo when she is ready.

Will this squad be able to solo eventually with the right gear and mods? If so what would be suggested for mods on each character. Would critchance mods be the right choice for TFP or should i do potency? Will potency and speed mods work best on Teebo? And Zader is obviously all about potency and a crit damage triangle right? Also, will magma and tarkin work well long term or are they too squishy for the pit? I’m not going to have CLS till the next time he arrives so I’m trying to work with what I have now.

Thanks for all the help in advance. It’d be nice to be able to rank higher earlier so I can get some decent rewards sooner than later.

My arena squad is Phoenix so I’m not using zetas on them
  • If the only reason you're going to put your first zeta on Vader is for the raid, don't do it.
    A. You're first zeta should go to helping your arena team
    B. While that team could eventually solo the rancor there are better options
  • Ever thought of Teebo lead instead of needing to zeta vader?
    Can use Qui Gon Jinn too if his basic is Omega'd?
    Do you have R2 to make Teebo stealthed the whole battle? (his smoke screen and Teebo's abilities)

  • No I don’t have r2 because they didn’t run EP this month like we all expected. Regardless I’m really interested in whether Zader is a viable Leader for a Squad arena team. Phoenix are so squishy because they can’t really control what is going to happen in the battle. Even with ezra at 213 speed i struggle to give him the turns he needs cuz i can’t A) ability block enemies B) Manipulate tm C) stun effectively (zeb’s speed is way to slow) and D) resist debuff/cleanse (kanan’s speed is too slow and cleanse is only full team with a “wasted” zeta)

    All of these things have me looking for a better option for my shard and I’m thinking a Zader team would allow me more than just a raid leader. He’d give me a solid long term Zeta for pit raid allowing me to hopefully build up Raid Han more quickly. I’ll be able to use raid Han in squad when he’s ready. Zader gives me the tm removal i desperately am missing with my phoenix squad plus 3 of my 5 empire toons are fleet ships that will get me closer to farming zeta mats with Vader TFP and Tarkin. If I’m ever able to get EP he’s another solid empire leader that i could possibly use instead of Zader as well and many are saying he wasn’t available due to a rework so he could be even more awesome in the near future.

    Zader would also serve as a solid leader for a shard empire team that wouldn’t cost me multiple zetas to become effective at lvl82. From what my experience, empire toons are way easier to gear than Phoenix as well. I’ve farmed my butt off and only have ezra, hera and chopper to. G9 with a long long way to go to get both Zeb and Kanan past g8. Without much effort at all and at a fraction of the farm time, I’ve been able to get Vader, GMT, and TFP to G9 with Vader and GMT ready to go to g10 at lvl80.

    I guess what I’d really like to know is do other people have success in their shards with Zader. If so he’d be a perfect first zeta for me with multiple uses throughout the game. If Zader isn’t the best way to use my first zeta, I’m at a loss for who would be.

    Take a look at my collection and give me your thoughts:
  • Hmm not sure why you tagged me?
    Anyway, in arena, Zader is ..... not good, to say the least. Not intimidating at all.
    For Rancor, I suggest Teebo lead, QGJ, TFP, Rex, Fives team.
    If you have Jyn in the future, she can be used instead of QGJ or Rex.

    With what you have now, it seems impossible to solo Rancor yet. But when you get CLS, it won't be a big issue anymore. So the choice is yours. If you want to build a Rancor solo team right away, give zeta to Vader, but you still need some Empire characters to help him. Or instead, you could wait for CLS and solo it with him

    The team I use is
    Tarkin lead, Thrawn, Jyn, Old Ben, CLS
    This team solos it very slowly, but instead very stably. No screw up due to insane resists. No godlike speed mods needed.

    More popular team is Wedge, Biggs, CLS, (Raid Han) but this team needs more speed unless you have Raid Han.

    CLS alone can do it too, but needs lots of speed of course
  • Ask yourself

    1. Are you desperate to improve your rancour raid rank.
    2. Have you rejected moving to a smaller guild where you can get a higher rank with what you have.
    3. Do you believe that a new harder mythic tier rancour raid is coming soon and that each guild will need around 100 teams capable to soloing the old heroic rancour in order to be able to take it down.

    CLS and Raid Han rends the raid a triviality. Personally I am in a guild where I can usually get top 5 and definitely get top 10 without build a rancour raid specialist team so I am happy to wait for cls and raid Han.

    CLS can do a single character solo and can be paired with raid Han and wiggs to do a auto solo.