5 years ago
Rank the GL’s.
Obviously they’re the 4 best characters on the game but how would you rank them? For me: 1. SLKR 2. JML 3. Rey 4. SEE And if you could choose 2 to have who would it be?
"Miketo28;c-2218082" wrote:"Blake085;c-2217937" wrote:"Miketo28;c-2217933" wrote:
I only have Rey. So jealous of SLKR owners. Working on him now.
I would say SLKR, Rey, SEE, JML.
Reason for SLKR first is his raid dominance. With Rey and Jedi in arena I can easily beat SLKR and JML. Cannot beat SEE, just cannot figure it out. Hence SEE ranked higher than JML.
A final note, I think I will win the final round of this 3v3 GAC since my opponent couldn't get through Rey with Han and Chewie.
You can 2-toon SEE (Rey+Wat is all you need to beat him)
Having said that:
2. JML/Rey
4 to 7. Future GLs
8. SEE
Which tech do I put on Rey. Thanks in advance.