7 years ago
Rebel Roundup
Why would anyone with teams strong enough want such lame rewards? I doubt any with Bounty Hunters strong enough to win, are still building wedge or biggs etc.. Seriously, the rewards are really outdat...
"DarkHelmet1138;c-1636608" wrote:
This event doesn't require a full team of good bh to beat. A geared up boba fett can pretty much solo the first two tiers if done correctly. You just need other bh/imp troopers strong enough to live long enough to get boba's contract off. Then spam the special ability of the event and give boba kills with it. This stacks his offense. In the first two rounds there are enemies that revive if they have a buff. Once everyone but fett dies, he can use only kill those with his basic and keep using them to stack offense. By the end you can have 40 or 50 stacks and boba on shots the enemies. He then regains full protection and bh resolve if he lost it. So the whole premise of this post, that you need maxed out bh or imp troopers just isn't true. So the rewards are obtainable when players still need them.