Forum Discussion

kmilky's avatar
8 years ago

Removing equipped gear?

I'm going to guess I'm not the first to post, but I didn't see anything recent so I'd like to throw out an idea I've been mulling over for some time.

Suggestion: I would love the ability to unequip any piece of gear on any toon at their current gear level.

I spent months without a clear strategy. I can't tell you how many mk 3 carbantis I wasted, but it's up there. I think that as easily as we see the + icon for gear that can be equipped we could see a - icon for removal. I wouldn't mind paying credits to remove the gear. I would expect that only the final piece of gear would be unequipped (so if you'd crafted/equipped a mk 6 shield generator you wouldn't be able to get the 2 mk 4 computers out of it - just the mk 6 shield generator).

I also think limiting the feature to current gear level removes complexity and manipulating the system. Once you upgrade a gear level, the gear is forever locked to that toon. I feel like this could be a partial solution to the continued gear crunch. At the very least, it'd let us be more strategic with the gear we've earned combined with knowledge of what toons are particularly desirable.

Any thoughts/tweaks?
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