Forum Discussion

Karrgast's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

The Return of Lightspeed Bundles

Hello there! I am a new player who acquired the Hyperdrive Bundle and I would really like to have the previous lightspeed bundles available for purchase. I know that nobody knows if, when or which LSBs will get released, but I'd be very mad if the previous ones won't be available once again in the future. It just doesn't make sense to help all new players get a headstart with the Hyperdrive Bundle only to restrict access to the Lightspeed Bundles for those who were too new to the game or somehow missed the previous opportunities. So please consider my and many others' requests to make them available in the future. There is a lot going on in this game and having a solid base character roster, for which many are willing to pay, should be readily available for all those interested, old and new. Thank you!

  • lightspeed bundles haven’t even been out a year. I guarantee CG will bring the old ones back again at some time. 

  • DarthJobbie's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler

    Ok theres a very common argument that oh i missed it so therefore im missing out. When your local ASDA does a sale on asparagus do you get so worked up? The releases arent there to serve individuals, you miss or choose not to is not EA/CG its simple opportunism. I do agree that if did once they should recycle the offer.

    • Kornby's avatar

      Wasn't the stated purpose for the lightspeed bundles to catch up new players?

      What they actually did was catch up new players that were playing over a specific time period. And I would be upset if ASDA said they wanted new asparagus lovers to have access to asparagus then gated access to the asparagus to those who knew the ASDA existed during a small timeframe.

      • DUNCAN1919's avatar
        Rising Traveler

        No, it was for any player to catch up.

        The actual purpose of such packs are to earn money for CG/EA. This is why they are not on sale permanently so as to create FOMO, and that the next time packs come around players who didn't buy the previous one will consider that they only have a limited window to get such offers and buy them. Whereas if they were permanent they would wait until they really needed the content.

        Also your ASDA comparison is poor as supermarkets (and other retailers) have used limited time offers for decades for precisely the same reason.

  • I think something for newer players could be to select one of the historic LSB as they reach LV85. Otherwise all would be very overwhelming early on even if this raises a lot of money for CG.

    Many new players may not appreciate the burden multiple LSB put on your farming and at this stage of game resources are at there slowest. My main concern would be a massive backlog of zeta and mod farming. Which imbalances a new players economy massively. I do believe this would ruin the experience to have these characters at relic but without key development. Unless they create LSB for zeta, omega and mods. As the economy is well timed. I can have decent mods worked up as I farm a team. But even at 9M when I purchase multiple LSB it’s difficult to get sufficient good and excellent quality mods I want and there are delays on applying Zeta’s or filling in critical characters not included.

    LSB could also return intermittently, either quarterly or on big dates such as May 4th and Christmas. To catch up on others players have missed.

    I see no issue in this. But definitely have seen a lot of new players wanting access and I do wonder if they realise the resource drain and how many months it could take to get all these squads functional. Before you can farm new stuff again.


  • seJLeFrew's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Yeah, I can see that.  I mean the danger outlined by another member above is that you would have the LS Bundles but not the MODs or Zeta's to outfit them....that being said though, There could be a "Choose one" of the LS Bundles once reaching lvl.85 as an incentive to new players up and coming.  I agree with OP, the LS Bundle was to push players to a somewhat competitive level with the current player base, why not make the LS Bundle(s) available as well?

    My fear would be that making them ALL available all the time to a new player would discourage them to continue to play and develop as they really wouldn't be viable on the competitive side of things with other established players (without MODs and Zeta's).

    Imagine for example a Geo Squad straight from the LS Bundle vs. a Geo Squad with MODs and Zetas in a TW.