"JediRobb;d-186772" wrote:
I know I probably have a couple months to finish up this squad, but I am also prepping for the next Chewy and Revan events, and I don’t want to waste any gear or time I don’t need to use. So... any advice on whether this squad can complete Rey’s Hero’s Journey? I’ll have Chewy to 7* in about 5 days, so plenty of time before the event starts. Thanks for any help.
I think you'll probably be ok. The hardest stage will likely be one where you face riot troopers with finn, rey, and chewie. That may be hard with a g7 chewie. Though over gearing finn or rey can help and g10 rey should be enough. But you can always bring rey to g11 or g12 if you're worried. It's not wated since you use her in the jtr team in the raids, tb, tw, ect.