Poll on New Updates
Hi everyone!
I’ve been a Galaxy of Heroes player for almost two years now, playing consistently every day. I’m a grind account—typically not caring how long it takes me to grow, generally being very patient about my progress, although I do still occasionally spring for lower-cost Hyperdrive bundles that propel me towards my goal. This is my first time posting on the forums, because EA and Disney have just ticked me off that much with these latest updates which, to me, smacks of corporate greed trying to wring more money out of people.
I’m curious about your thoughts—what are the pros of this latest updates, what are the cons of this latest update, how does this update contrast with previous updates that perhaps also felt like money-grabs, etc.
I encourage you to leave a comment and answer the following:
- Do you think this update is good overall, bad overall, or a blend?
- For you, what aspects are good and what aspects are bad?
- Are you considering leaving this game due to this update?
- Why or why not?
- Any additional thoughts or comparisons with previous updates?
I appreciate you all. This game has become a part of my daily routine, but I feel as though it’s now going to take me three times as long to achieve anything. I almost deleted it this morning, but thought I’d check in with the community first to see your impressions. Thanks so much in advance.