Forum Discussion

HKFactory's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
5 years ago

Rogue One Rework Ideas

Updated with Cassian and K-2SO. All changes are bold,

Press the Attack (omega)
Basic: Deal Physical damage to target enemy then Jyn and a random Rogue One ally gain Advantage and Defense Penetration for 2 turns.

Rebel Counterattack (omega)
Special (4 turn cooldown): Deal Physical damage to all enemies and grant target other ally 100% turn meter and advantage for 2 turns. If the target ally already had Advantage they gain Critical Damage Up and Offense Up for 2 turns instead. If any critical hits are scored revive a random Rebel ally with 20% Max Health for each Critical Hit scored and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns on all Critically Hit enemies.

Truncheon Strike (omega)
Special (2 turn cooldown): Deal Physical damage to target enemy and remove all Turn Meter. Jyn gains that much Turn Meter. On a Critical Hit Stun the target enemy for 1 turn which cannot be resisted. This attack deals 50% more damage to Exposed enemies.

Into the Fray (zeta)
Leader: Rebel allies have +50% Max Protection and recover 5% protection whenever they gain a buff. Enemies that suffer debuffs during Rebel allies’ turns have a 50% chance to also become Exposed for 2 turns which cannot be resisted.

Fierce Determination (zeta)
Unique: Jyn is immune to Stuns and gains 10% stacking Potency whenever she scores a Critical Hit. While Jyn is active all Rogue One allies have +35% potency (other Rebel allies gain half this Potency) and a random Rebel ally assists dealing 50% less damage unless they are Rogue One whenever Jyn attacks an exposed enemy during her turn.

Bodhi Rook
Call Targets (omega)
Basic: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and grant all Rogue One allies 5% Turn Meter.

Spotter (omega)
Special (4 turn cooldown): Inflict Evasion Down for 2 turns on all enemies which can’t be evaded. Bodhi and Target ally gain Potency Up and Foresight for 2 turns and is called to assist. If the target ally is a Rebel, Bodhi gains 30% Turn Meter, and if the target ally is Rogue One they also gain 30% Turn Meter.

Intercept Communications (omega)
Special (3 turn cooldown): Remove 10% Turn Meter from all enemies (doubled on Empire enemies) which can’t be evaded. All allies gain 15% Turn Meter (doubled on Rebel allies).

Double Duty (zeta)
Unique: While Bodhi is active, Rebel allies with Offense Up also gain 50% Defense. At the start of Bodhi’s turn he grants Offense Up for 2 turns to all allies. Bodhi gains 5% Turn Meter at the start of each other Rogue One ally’s turns.


Carboplast Composite Fist (omega)
Basic: Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Offense Down for 2 turns.

Conductive Charge (omega)
Special (2 turn cooldown): Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Daze them for 2 turns and K-2SO recovers 15% Max Protection.If Cassian Andor is present, he also recovers 15% Max Protection, and is called to assist.

Enforcer (omega)
Unique: Whenever K-2SO attacks he Taunts for 1 turn, this Taunt is dispelled whenever he takes damage. If K-2SO was already Taunting, he gains Protection Up equal to 10% of his Max Protection for 1 turn (does not stack with itself).

Reprogrammed Imperial Droid (zeta)
Unique: K-2SO has +97.6% Counter Chance. This chance is halved while K-2SO is debuffed. K-2SO gains 5% Max Protection whenever he takes damage and is immune to Daze.

Cassian Andor

Two Steps Ahead (omega)
Basic: Deal Physical damage to target enemy with an 85% chance to inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns. If the enemy resists, Cassian attacks a second time.

Shock Grenade (omega)
Special (2 turn cooldown): Inflict Ability Block, Defense Down, Healing Immunity, Offense Down, and Speed Down (once each) on random enemies for 2 turns and Expose the primary target for 2 turns. If the primary target is Empire, this Expose can’t be resisted. If K-2SO is present, he is called to assist. Then, gain 20% Turn Meter for each debuffed enemy.

Crippling Shot (omega)
Special (3 turn cooldown): Deal Special damage to target enemy. For each debuff present on other enemies, inflict that debuff on the target for 1 turn. This attack has an additional 50% Offense against debuffed enemies.

Groundwork (zeta)
Unique: At the start of each encounter, all Rebel allies gain Protection Up (20%), Defense Up, Potency Up, and Tenacity Up, and Speed Up for 3 turns which cannot be dispelled.

As usual, let me know what you think.
  • HKFactory's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Interesting take on it, I like the idea. I was personally thinking of trying my hand at Director Krennic and Death Trooper next.
  • HKFactory's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Sebek;c-2054667" wrote:
    Where's jyn revivw?

    She was always able to revive Rebel allies when she scores critical hits with Rebel Counterattack.
  • I agree that a Rogue One Rework would be pretty nice. But unfortunately I don't think these will be it. As they have several problem that prevent me from liking them.
    Jyn Erso Feedback:
    Jyn is the one I have the most problems with. While it seems that this is a really nice upgrade, when you look closer it is actually worse than what we currently have.
    The upgrades to her basic and specials seem nice, but in reality do practically nothing. Seeing as advantage disappears as soon as they score a critical hit, that buff will never stick around long enough for the extra effects to go into effect. Effectively making them useless. And yes, that buff will be gone even with the added one in the basic. Seeing as Rogue one (and rebels in general) are very out of turn attack focused. You even increased that effect with her unique ability. So yeah, those do nothing. The only way they would do something i if you start spreading Advantage around massively with the entire team. But First Order already does that. And if I wanted that I would just go to them. Why would you want Rogue one to be a First Order clone?
    Speaking of her unique, that one also isn't that good. Again, Rogue One and rebels are already very assist heavy, and the assist from her unique also only comes after she already damaged an exposed enemy. Which usually already does a lot of damage. So that is all things considered a minor buff. But what you took away here is what makes this rework idea so bad. You took her stacking potency and the potency from her lead away!!! This is horrible!!! The reduced potency makes her less viable. And no, the turn meter gain is nice, but seeing as the Exposes aren't inflicted by the rebel allies themselves, it isn't that nice or good of a feature, and also copies Emperor Palpatine a bit. But the fact that she no longer stacks potency trough her unique drops her viability to near zero. With it she could reach ridiculous potency numbers, allowing her to overpower pretty much any Tenacity in the game except Tenacity Up. (thou her team had buff immunity and dispels). But now, that is gone. This is bad because if you go to and search for her stats, you will see that Jyn at g13 has 0% base potency. And since turn meter removal can be resisted, you ensured that she can never steal any turn meter from anyone ever again!!!! This actually pissed me off a bit when I first read it. The can't be resisted stun is also not that good because of the same reason. Her huge Potency potential made it so that it wasn't resisted that much anyway.
    So to sum it up: your rework added 2 things to her special and basic that do nothing, 2 things to her other special and unique that slightly increased her viability by like 5% each, and removes something that reduces her viability by 95%.
    You removed a pool, replaced it with a glass of water and said "here is your upgrade". Thanks, but no thanks.

    Bodhi Rook Feedback:

    This one I do like some better. It does actually make him better. But it's not that good. To my opinion, it's not enough.
    The basic is pretty much a copy of Blaze Malbus's basic. Who already s a Rogue One. So that is not that useful. Especially seeing how much Blaze counterattacks.
    The first special is actually pretty nice. Nothing wrong here, just a nice buff. But the second special is still bad. The turn meter gain ad removal are still extremely bad, especially for a 4 turn cooldown ability. And the extra things you added aren't that impressive either. That one is still too bad.
    The unique is better than wat we currently have. IT's not that that of a design, seeing as the buffs will overlap a lot, but it's better that wat we have now.
    Overall a good design, I just thing it's not enough yet. I actually did a Rework idea of him myself quite a while ago. You can check that one out here, if you're interested: Maybe some of the idea's I had might give you some idea's. Who knows.
  • HKFactory's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "Ichiraikou;c-2054748" wrote:
    I agree that a Rogue One Rework would be pretty nice. But unfortunately I don't think these will be it. As they have several problem that prevent me from liking them.
    Jyn Erso Feedback:
    Jyn is the one I have the most problems with. While it seems that this is a really nice upgrade, when you look closer it is actually worse than what we currently have.
    The upgrades to her basic and specials seem nice, but in reality do practically nothing. Seeing as advantage disappears as soon as they score a critical hit, that buff will never stick around long enough for the extra effects to go into effect. Effectively making them useless. And yes, that buff will be gone even with the added one in the basic. Seeing as Rogue one (and rebels in general) are very out of turn attack focused. You even increased that effect with her unique ability. So yeah, those do nothing. The only way they would do something i if you start spreading Advantage around massively with the entire team. But First Order already does that. And if I wanted that I would just go to them. Why would you want Rogue one to be a First Order clone?
    Speaking of her unique, that one also isn't that good. Again, Rogue One and rebels are already very assist heavy, and the assist from her unique also only comes after she already damaged an exposed enemy. Which usually already does a lot of damage. So that is all things considered a minor buff. But what you took away here is what makes this rework idea so bad. You took her stacking potency and the potency from her lead away!!! This is horrible!!! The reduced potency makes her less viable. And no, the turn meter gain is nice, but seeing as the Exposes aren't inflicted by the rebel allies themselves, it isn't that nice or good of a feature, and also copies Emperor Palpatine a bit. But the fact that she no longer stacks potency trough her unique drops her viability to near zero. With it she could reach ridiculous potency numbers, allowing her to overpower pretty much any Tenacity in the game except Tenacity Up. (thou her team had buff immunity and dispels). But now, that is gone. This is bad because if you go to and search for her stats, you will see that Jyn at g13 has 0% base potency. And since turn meter removal can be resisted, you ensured that she can never steal any turn meter from anyone ever again!!!! This actually **** me off a bit when I first read it. The can't be resisted stun is also not that good because of the same reason. Her huge Potency potential made it so that it wasn't resisted that much anyway.
    So to sum it up: your rework added 2 things to her special and basic that do nothing, 2 things to her other special and unique that slightly increased her viability by like 5% each, and removes something that reduces her viability by 95%.
    You removed a pool, replaced it with a glass of water and said "here is your upgrade". Thanks, but no thanks.

    Bodhi Rook Feedback:

    This one I do like some better. It does actually make him better. But it's not that good. To my opinion, it's not enough.
    The basic is pretty much a copy of Blaze Malbus's basic. Who already s a Rogue One. So that is not that useful. Especially seeing how much Blaze counterattacks.
    The first special is actually pretty nice. Nothing wrong here, just a nice buff. But the second special is still bad. The turn meter gain ad removal are still extremely bad, especially for a 4 turn cooldown ability. And the extra things you added aren't that impressive either. That one is still too bad.
    The unique is better than wat we currently have. IT's not that that of a design, seeing as the buffs will overlap a lot, but it's better that wat we have now.
    Overall a good design, I just thing it's not enough yet. I actually did a Rework idea of him myself quite a while ago. You can check that one out here, if you're interested: Maybe some of the idea's I had might give you some idea's. Who knows.

    I see, it’s all still in the works, and frankly I’m not good at this. I’m also trying to be mindful of not making things too over the top. Although in regards to the “copy of certain abilities” thing, I’m going to say, that there are plenty of characters with abilities that do similar or even the same thing as another, so I don’t really see much of an issue with that, but I’ll take any feedback I can get.
  • The new versions and kits are pretty nice. Overall they are good. I personally still don't like a few things in it (like the 35% potency moved to Jyn's unique and Rogue one only, can't be resisted on her 2nd special, Bodhi Rook second special having only turn meter manipulation, the offence up for 2 turns on Bodhi Rook's unique, among a few), but those are mostly things I personally don't like. Not something inherently wrong with the kit. The only one among that category that stands out to me is the change to Cassian Andor's second special. That one makes no sense. The ability is meant to target an enemy that doesn't have debuffs yet, or at least not that many. So you can get many debuffs on them. Which, with Jyn's lead, will bring many exposes on them. In other words, that ability is meant to set up a kill-shot for another ally or another attack. The ability itself is not a kill-shot. So why does it have extra damage like it's meant to be a kill-shot? That makes no sense. Extra damage isn't a big problem in itself, but it should make sense from a design stand point. This one does not.
    After the last time I became inspired by you, and ended up doing a rework idea for Jyn myself. Again, currently there is nothing really wrong with your rework idea of her from a design stand point. I just don't like some things from a personal standpoint, and would therefore like to share an idea of my own.
    Jyn Erso Rework idea

    Light Side, Attacker, Rebel, Rogue One, Leader
    Offensive Rebel Leader who Critically Hits and Exposes her enemies while reviving her Rebel allies.

    Press the Attack (Basic)
    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and gain Advantage for 2 turns.

    Rebel Counterattack (Special) (Cooldown: 4 turns)
    Deal Physical Damage to all enemies and grant target other ally a Bonus Turn and Advantage for 2 turns. If that ally is a Rebel, dispel all debuffs from them and grant them Critical Damage Up for 2 turns. If any Critical Hits where scored, revive a random Rebel ally with 15% Health and Protection for each Critical Hit Scored. This attack can’t be Countered.

    Truncheon Strike (Special) (Cooldown: 2 turns)
    Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and remove all Turn Meter. Jyn gains that much Turn Meter. On a Critical Hit, Stun the target for 1 turn. If the target wasn’t Stunned, they become Vulnerable for 1 turn.

    Into The Fray (Leader) (Zeta)
    Rebel allies have +50% Potency, and recover 5% Health and Protection whenever they gain a buff. Enemies that suffer a debuff during Rebel allies’ turns have a 50% chance to also become Exposed for 2 turns, increased to 75% chance during Rogue One allies’ turns. This Expose can’t be Resisted.

    Fierce Determination (Unique) (Zeta)
    Jyn has +50% Critical Damage while she has Advantage, and +25% Critical Chance while she doesn’t. In addition, Jyn gains +10% Potency (stacking) each time she scores a Critical Hit.
    While Jyn is active, all Rogue One allies are Immune to Stun.
  • "HKFactory;c-2055465" wrote:
    Interesting take on it, I like the idea. I was personally thinking of trying my hand at Director Krennic and Death Trooper next.

    This is a nice idea. I am definitely curious as to what you come up with.
    P.s. I also came up with versions for Cassian Andor and K-2SO. After all this my creativity is just exploding and I couldn't focus on anything until I had it on paper. Except for Bodhi Rook, I already had a rework idea for him on paper after all.
    Cassian Andor

    Light Side, Support, Rebel, Rogue One
    Rogue One Support who buffs allies at the start of battle and debuffs enemies during battle.

    Two Steps Ahead (Basic)
    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Buff Immunity for 2 turns. If target enemy is Exposed, dispel all buffs from them.

    Shock Grenade (Special) (Cooldown: 2 turns) (pretty much the same as yours)
    Inflict Ability Block, Defense Down, Healing Immunity, Offence Down, and Speed Down (once each) on random enemies for 2 turns, and Expose the Primary target for 2 turns. If the primary target is Empire, this Expose can’t be Resisted. If K-2SO is present, he is called to assist. Then, gain 20% Turn Meter for each debuffed enemy.

    Crippling Shot (Special) (Cooldown: 3 turns)
    Deal Special damage to target enemy. For each debuff present on other enemies, inflict that debuff on the target for 1 turn. This attack has +100% Potency and can’t be Evaded.

    Groundwork (Unique) (Zeta)
    At the start of each encounter, all Rebel allies gain Protection Up (30%) for 3 turns, all Rebel Attackers gain Offence Up for 3 turns, all Rebel Supports gain Potency Up for 3 turns, all Rebel Tank allies gain Tenacity Up for 3 turns, and all Rogue One allies gain Damage Immunity for 1 turn. If K-2SO is present, he gains all of these buffs. If the allied leader is Jyn Erso, these buffs can’t be Dispelled or Prevented.


    Light Side, Tank, Droid, Rebel, Rogue One
    Rogue One Tank that Taunts and Counters while Dispelling Debuffs from his Rogue One allies.

    Press the Attack (Basic)
    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Offence Down for 2 turns. If target enemy is Exposed, Blind them for 1 turn.

    Conductive Charge (Special) (Cooldown: 2 turns)
    Deal Physical Damage to target enemy and Daze them for 2 turns. If target enemy is Exposed, Dispel all debuffs from all Rogue One allies. If Cassian Andor is present, he is called to Assist.

    Enforcer (unique)
    Whenever K-2SO attacks, he Taunts for 1 turn. This Taunt is dispelled whenever K-2SO takes damage. At the start of each turn, if K-2SO has Taunt, he gains +100% Defense and +100% Tenacity until the end of that turn.

    Reprogrammed Imperial Droid (Unique) (Zeta)
    K-2SO is Immune to Tenacity Down and has +97.6% Counter Chance. This Counter Chance is halved while K-2SO is debuffed. In addition, K-2SO gains Protection Over Time (25%) for 1 turn and +5% Max Protection until the end of battle whenever he loses Taunt.

  • What I am thinking is, bodhi act as an escape driver, just like what he did in the movie.
    If he's present, all active R1 members at the end of the battle can be used again. (in GAC TW and TB)