Interesting. I don't know at this point if I think anything should be done with the roles, but I have noticed that some of them seem puzzling.
Nihilus, for example. He does good damage and has a instant, permanent kill, yet he's Support, presumably because he can remove buffs (single target) on attack and increase cooldowns by 1 (multiple targets). Yet if you look at the Sith characters as a whole, they're pretty effect- and debuff-heavy. Vader, for example, ability blocks (single target) on attack and add DoTs and speed debuff (multiple targets), and is an Attacker.
Both have leadership abilities that boost/affect teammates' abilities, and Vader's also has TMR against enemies on his. For what it's worth, my Nihilus also tends to outdamage my Vader on raids despite have inferior gear because of Annihilate's damage.
That's just one example. Maybe instead of having 4 role tags, there should be more tags, each with a more specific meaning. Attacker or High Damage for characters are roughly above the X percentile in damage capabilities. That would likely be based on fully geared and skilled characters, and whether to take zetas into account would be up to devs. There could be other tags for having high base HP, high base speed (Fast), buff abilities (Buffer), debuff abilities (Debuffer), character-unique abilities (Unique), healing abilities (Healer), revive abilities (Reviver), other miscellaneous abilities like counter and turn-meter manipulation, leader ability (Leader), standard or atypical taunt (Taunter), etc.
At the very least, that would give some useful filters when pulling up characters or experimenting with new teams. Or there could also be incentives for having a team that hits on a lot of those tags and slight tweaks to certain raids or raid phases based on tags.
And maybe just maybe, in the process of applying those tags, the devs might also make some useful character tweaks when they are reminded firsthand how useless some of the characters currently are. If you're examining a character for the purpose of tagging and ask yourself "why am I wasting my time on this one," it gets a minor rework. ??