7 years ago
Sandbox Mode
Arena meta is shifting like crazy! Isn't it time to have an "in guild" sandbox mode?!?!? Need to do some testing...and nowhere to do it other than when it counts.
Carrie wrote:
drklrdbill: Can we get a practice arena mode?
We answered this recently in the last Q&A, but our disposition is that we don't want to put in a practice mode. Our theory is that even a mode that didn't have rewards could potentially balloon session time and we think that could ultimately lead to a negative experience for players. The Galactic War is still a place to do a fair amount of this, even though we understand you can't tailor it exactly to your needs.
"Austin9370;c-1767678" wrote:
To be fair, arena meta changed in October and hasn't really changed in a while
"Ultra;c-1767645" wrote:
It was almost a year ago so I hope they changed their minds on this
"icanectc;c-1767684" wrote:
Im actually not in favor of sandbox. The whole advantage of single attempt to defeat something is lost if you can practice. Arena shards controlled by cooperative means already circumvent this process by asking arena buddies to swap arena teams before attacking.
Imo this goes against the spirit of the game.
They would need to throttle the sandbox during tws or gas. And once everyone gets used to attacking the rarer squads it becomes trivial content. The idea is to give those with unique teams an advantage. All of that is lost the moment they include sandboxing.
So in general I'm not a fan of sandboxing.