Forum Discussion

Crispy508's avatar
Seasoned Adventurer
2 years ago

Separatist GL?

So, a separatist tank, who is not a Droid or a Geo. Any ideas? I'm not super familiar with the clone wars show, but I can't think of any
  • Making the next GL anything other than HuttSlayer Leia or Pilot Luke with the first GL Ship would be a huge mistake.
  • "LordDirt;c-2401477" wrote:

    Meanwhile we have how many Chewies, Lukes, Hans, Kylos, Reys, etc?

    I get what you're saying. However, the Dooku we have in game represents Dooku throughout the Clone Wars. If you have other thoughts for him I'd be glad to hear it.

  • I vote no on Sep GL, and put forth
    GL Snoke
    GL Jar Jar Binks
    I think there are a lot of valid reasons to bring in Jar Jar as a GL.

    The biggest being it would really fit his current persona as a character: you either loved him or hated him.
    2nd - it's kinda odd they haven't brought him in already. The character had lots of screen time and importance in missions and roles. His kit should be like C3PO's with a bumbling TD attack added with a low % chance to insta-kill.
    3rd - he ended up being a celebrated hero in cinema...
    4th - he would have Galactic Republic synergy and be a way to give carp jedi use, make clones more interesting, and be a new home for Padme who is kinda looking for 1.
    5th - They could bring some more campiness to the game with him. As it stands, there is none. That ignores a lot of fans, and that's coming from someone that doesn't like camp.

    GL Snoke could be an opportunity to do something new: besides Snoke's toons requirements, all of SLKR's requirements must have also been obtained. Essentially, GL paths. Just bring him in with 5 Knights of Wren, and/or bring Wren. Wren himself would be awesome. That's like another Malgus if not a GL.

  • "Jakdnels;c-2401502" wrote:
    "TVF;c-2401497" wrote:
    "Olddumper;c-2401488" wrote:
    Making the next GL anything other than HuttSlayer Leia or Pilot Luke with the first GL Ship would be a huge mistake.

    HuttSlayer Leia is too immature for me, no thanks.

    Already annoyed enough I had to watch it so many times for Jabba's ult.

    No kidding. And what would her abilities be anyway... Gonna have a hard time choking out the enemies from behind considering the layout of the holotable.

    That said, please use original trilogy Leia (Endor?) instead of sequel Leia (Mary Poppins maneuver notwithstanding).

    Give her synergy with Oola and Lyn Me


    It doesn’t have to be slave Leia but here is a good indication of why Leia or Rebel Pilot Luke make a lot of sense. The TLDR is there is more money to be made with less development costs.
  • "TVF;c-2401607" wrote:
    "the data is clear"


    I mean when you look at it, it pretty much has to be a rebel or maybe Empire but who would they really pick from the Empire. We already have a Vader and Palpatine GL. Nobody else is really famous enough to get a GL. If they do separatist they’ll make no money unless they make all the reqs R7 and R8 or just pick random toon or they have to develop a ton of new toons.

    Unless if they start doing generic characters as a GL it would be hard to do empire but honestly I wouldn’t mind if they gave Stormtrooper a GL. They are very iconic.
  • DarthJobbie's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    Lets have 44 new GLs and then lets see the complaints that these new GLs require relic 87 toons. Can we calm down on GLs a bit?
  • "nomad1988;c-2401655" wrote:
    I’d love to see GL Thrawn. But proper Thrawn alongside Joruus C’Baoth, with his bodyguard Rukh, not the watered down version from Rebels. I know it’s no longer canon, but the original Thrawn trilogy has so many great characters. Talon Karrde would make a great LS/Neutral counterpart to Jabba.

    Back to the topic though, maybe a fallen Jedi Dooku based on the new series could have a separatist tag? Not sure if it’s really iconic enough for a GL though.

    It's really not....
  • Jac51UB's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    "yolkywareagle;c-2401700" wrote:
    "Olddumper;c-2401610" wrote:
    "TVF;c-2401607" wrote:
    "the data is clear"


    I wouldn’t mind if they gave Stormtrooper a GL. They are very iconic.

    Yes. Special ability: miss.
    Unique: Can’t hit the broad side of a barn
    Basic: be confused

    To be fair, that is a scarily accurate representation of most soldiers.