Forum Discussion

ArchlordCalasta's avatar
7 years ago

Separatist Kit Rework

This is a request and may not appear in game. You may use it in any way you want.

Poggle the Lesser

Quash Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Ability Block for 2 turns. Call a random Droid or Geonosian ally to assist dealing 15% more damage.

Droid Assault Special - Level 8 - Omega
All allies gain Offense Up for 3 turns. In addition Droid allies gain Speed Up for 3 turns and Poggle the Lesser has a 25% chance to gain 40% Turn Meter. Call all Droid and Geonosian allies to assist dealing 15% less damage.

Machine Overlord Leader - Level 8 - Omega
Droid and Geonosian allies gain 30% Offense and have a 40% chance to assist whenever an ally uses an ability. If a Droid or Geonosian ally attacks outside of their turn, they gain 20% Health and gain 10% Turn Meter.

Metal Hive Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Poggle the Lesser gains 10% evasion for each living Droid or Geonosian ally and all allies gain 10% Turn Meter whenever he Evades an attack. Whenever a Droid ally dies, Poggle has a 45% chance to revive them with 20% Health.

Geonosian Spy

Feint Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to gain Critical Chance Up for 3 turns. This chance is doubled if this attack does not score a Critical Hit and Geonosian Spy gains Offense Up.

Silent Strike Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If they have a positive status effect, Dispel all status effects on Geonosian Spy and the target and deal 50% more damage for each effect Dispelled. Otherwise, inflict Evasion Down, Daze, and Offense Down for 3 turns if Geonosian Spy is Stealthed.

Illicit Insect Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Geonosian Spy gains Stealth for 3 turns at the start of each encounter and whenever he scores a Critical Hit. Whenever a Geonosian ally inflicts a negative status effect, Geonosian Spy gains 70% Turn Meter and Hive Mind for 1 turn.
*Hive Mind* Deal 100% more damage on unit's next attack and gain 50% Health. Unit ignores Taunt and Stealth and if the unit attacks a target without any positive status effects, grant Hive Mind for 1 turn to a random ally without Hive Mind.

Geonosian Soldier

Aggressive Advance Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 55% chance to gain Offense Up for 3 turns. This chance is doubled if a Geonosian ally has a positive status effect. If this attack scores a Critical Hit, Stun the target for 1 turn.

Swarm Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and call a random Assist all Geonosian allies to Assist. Geonosian allies deal 20% more damage and gain Speed Up for 2 turns.

Hive Tactics Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Geonosian allies gain 13% Critical Chance. Geonosian Soldier grants all allies 30% Turn Meter and all non-unique buffs (excluding Taunt and Stealth) he has when scoring a Critical Hit. Geonosian Soldier deals 50% more damage and inflicts Ability Block on a random enemy when attacking outside of his turn.


Browbeat Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Dispel all positive status effects on them. Sun Fac recovers 20% of his Max Health if any effects were dispelled this way and gains them.

Subjugate Special - Level 8 - Omega
Sun Fac Taunts for 2 turns and inflicts Offense Down on target enemy for 2 turns, with a 55% chance to also remove 40% Turn Meter. Sun Fac gains 10% Protection for each living Geonosian ally and gains Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns.

Spiteful Strike Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy. Sun Fac recovers 25% of his Max Health if the target is suffering any negative status effects. If Sun Fac already has Max Health, increase his Max Health by 50% of the target's Max Health and inflict Health Down on target enemy.

Superiority Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Sun Fac has +30% Counter Chance for each living Geonosian ally. In addition, whenever he attacks outside of his turn, he deals 20% more damage and inflicts Critical Chance Down for 2 turns. Whenever Sun Fac gains a positive status effect, all Geonosian allies gain 10% Health and Protection. If any status effects are dispelled during Sun Fac's turn, all allies gain 20% Turn Meter.

Geonosian Zombie - New

Claw Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and remove 30% Turn Meter which can't be resisted. This attack deals 50% more damage and removes 50% Turn Meter from target enemy if they have the Brain Worm debuff.

Infect Special - Level 8 - Omega - Cooldown 4 turns
Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Brain Worm on target enemy for 3 turn.
*Brain Worm* Unit's Health is reduced by 10%, cannot gain buffs, cannot attack outside of its turn, Tenacity is reduced by 20%, has a 40% chance to inflict Brain Worm on a random ally. This unit takes extra damage from Geonosian Zombie. Cannot be dispelled.

Mind Control Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Geonosian Zombie has -20 Speed and regains 20% Health at the start of Geonosian turns. Geonosian Zombie must be defeated with Special damage and has -50% Special Avoidance and -50 Defense against Special damage. Geonosian Zombie recovers 10% Health whenever he is attacked with Physical Damage and can't be defeated by Physical damage. Geonosian Zombie is defeated if all allies are defeated and no enemies have Brain Worm. Geonosian Zombie gains 10% Turn Meter whenever an ally gains a status effect and copies positive status effects from the ally.

Count Dooku

Hindering Press Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 70% chance to attack again. These attacks have a 40% chance to Stun for 1 turn and a 40% chance to inflict Ability Block for 1 turn. Debuff chances doubled against Jedi and Clones. This attack can't be Countered.

Force Lightning Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Special damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to Shock and Stun them for 1 turn and a 70% chance to Stun a random enemy. Debuff chances doubled against Jedi and Clones. Count Dooku Dispels all positive status effects on target enemy and gains 5% Turn Meter for each status effect Dispelled.

Master Tactician Leader - Level 8 - Zeta
Separatist Allies gain 40% Evasion and gain Offense Up and 20% Turn Meter whenever they Evade. Other allies gain half that amount. Whenever a Separatist ally attacks, they have a 50% chance of gaining Tactical Positioning for 2 turns. For each ally with Tactical Positioning, all allies gain 10 Speed and 10% Offense (stacking).
*Tactical Positioning(stacking)* Unit has +25% Speed and +25% Counter Chance. When this unit attacks, they gain Critical Hit Immunity, Critical Chance Up, and Offense up for 2 turns and deals 50% more damage.

Flawless Riposte Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Count Dooku has 100% Counter Chance. In addition, whenever he attacks outside of his tunr, he deals 50% more damage, gains 20% Turn Meter, recovers 20% Protection and gains Critical Hit Immunity for 1 turn. Count Dooku gains Tactical Positioning for 3 turns at the start of the encounter and grants all allies Speed Up.

B2 Super Battle Droid

Heavy Arms Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Evasion Down for 2 turns. This attack deals additional damage if the target is debuffed.

Mow Down Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to all enemies and Dispel all positive status effects on them, with a 65% chance to also inflict Buff Immunity and Ability Block for 2 turns (applied before damage.)

Wrist Rocket Special - Level 8 - Zeta
Deal Special damage to target enemy. This attack can't be Evaded. If this attack causes an enemy to fall below 100% Health, B2 gains 100% Turn Meter and Resets all his cooldowns. His next attack does 40% more damage and calls all Droid and Separatist allies to assist, dealing 20% less damage. All allies have a 55% chance to gain Tactical Positioning.
*Tactical Positioning(stacking)* Unit has +25% Speed and +25% Counter Chance. When this unit attacks, they gain Critical Hit Immunity, Critical Chance Up, and Offense up for 2 turns and deals 50% more damage.

Relentless Barrage Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
B2 has a 60% chance to gain 100% Turn Meter whenever another ally is Evaded or damaged by an attack. B2 has 50% Offense stacking for each Separatist ally and gains 10% Protection when an ally falls below 100% Health. B2 has +70 Defense and gains Defense Up and Critical Chance Up at the start of the encounter.

General Grievous - 145 shards

Furious Assault Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy once for each of the following: the target has a status effect, the target has less than 100% Protection, the target has less than 100% Health, the target is a Jedi, Grievous has a status effect, this attack was performed outside of Grievous' turn. Inflict Daze for 2 turns on target enemy with a 40% chance to attack again and gain 20% Turn Meter. This attack can't be Evaded or Countered and does 50% more damage to Jedi.

Grievous Wounds Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to all enemies two times with a 65% chance to inflict Healing Immunity for 1 turn. Grievous gains 10% Health, Protection, and Turn Meter for each enemy who has Healing Immunity. Grievous gains Tactical Positioning if any enemies do not have Healing Immunity at the end of his turn.
*Tactical Positioning(stacking)* Unit has +25% Speed and +25% Counter Chance. When this unit attacks, they gain Critical Hit Immunity, Critical Chance Up, and Offense up for 2 turns and deals 50% more damage.

Sinister Laugh Special - Level 8 - Omega
Inflict Health Down, Defense Down, and Evasion Down on all enemies for 2 turns with a 65% chance to remove 40% Turn Meter. Grievous Dispels all debuffs on himself and grants all allies all buffs on himself. All allies gain 10% Turn Meter and Protection for each debuff Dispelled this way. Grievous gains 2 stacks of Tactical Positioning for 2 turns.

Unstoppable General Leader - Level 8 - Zeta
All enemies have -20% Critical Chance and -20% Offense. All allies gain Tactical Positioning at the start of the encounter for 1 turn. All Separatist and Droid allies gain +30 Speed and +30% Offense while General Grievous is alive. Whenever an ally takes damage, they have a 55% chance to gain 30% Turn Meter and 10% Protection. Whenever a Separatist or Droid ally suffers a negative status effect, dispel a random buff on a random enemy. If no enemies have buffs, remove 10% Turn Meter from all enemies. When an ally gains Tactical Positioning, grant them Tactical Positioning for 1 turn. When Tactical Positioning expires on an ally, that ally gains 50% Turn Meter and has a 55% chance to gain Tactical Positioning for 2 turns.

Tactical Retreat Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
Grievous has +20% Max Health for each Droid or Separatist ally. In addition, whenever Grievous falls below 50% Health, he Dispels all status effects on himself, gains 10% Health for each effect Dispelled this way and forces the healthiest ally to Taunt for 2 turns, granting them 2 stacks of Tactical Positioning and healing 20% of their Max Health. If he does, that ally also gains 100% Turn Meter and its next attack removes all positive status effects and inflicts Stun for 1 turn on target enemy. All Droid allies gain 20% Offense and 20% Defense while Grievous is alive. All Separatist allies gain 20% Critical Chance and 20% Critical Damage.

Asajj Ventress

Cruel Strike Basic - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 50% chance to Stun for 1 turn and call a Separatist or Nightsister ally to assist dealing 30% less damage.

Strike Fear Special - Level 8 - Omega
Dispel all buffs on all enemies, Nightsister allies recover 40% Health, and Separatist allies recover 40% Protection. For each buff dispelled, that enemy has a 50% chance to lose 20% Turn Meter and Nightsister and Separatist allies recover 10% Health. This attack can't be Evaded or Resisted.

Endless Wrath Special - Level 8 - Omega
Deal Special damage to all enemies and inflict Defense Down for 2 turns. Refresh all cooldowns on a finishing blow.

Nightsister Swiftness Leader - Level 8 - Zeta
Nightsister and Separatist allies have +30 Speed, +30% Offense, gain 50% Turn Meter when they fall below 100% Health, and have a 50% chance to remove 20% Turn Meter when they damage an enemy. This Turn Meter Removal can't be Resisted.

Rampage Unique - Level 8 - Zeta
When any ally or enemy is defeated, Asajj gains 40% Turn Meter, and gains 25% Offense, 15% Critical Chance, and 5% Max Health (stacking) until the end of the encounter. Asajj has +15 Speed for each enemy with no buffs.


There you have it! Separatist Kit Rework.

I hope you liked it and please leave comments and suggestions for me!

As stated above, this material may not appear in game and you may use it however you wish.