Forum Discussion

AbC6917a8957564's avatar
9 years ago

Shardmates?--Caspar, Finity, CW, Mr Roxxor, Bill, Reb, Dekaying Soul

Seeing if anyone answers the call.

    That's the link. There is a general chat channel and a payouts and timezones channel. If you are in contact with any other top players on the shard, feel free to share the link.

    @BrolyB593 @Finity @CWent @Kilton @Comoeelruido_17
  • We arent in a specific chat, but we are on a guild community discord:
  • What's up shart mates... glad you found me on discord... I'm a ghost on the OF. I just get annoyed for the most part reading the recycled garbage threads on here.