Forum Discussion

rk260395's avatar
10 years ago


I'm obviously missing something. What's the trick to preventing shatterpoint from triggering on the final round of the tank challenge? I've tried damaging bots and killing bots but it continues to trigger. I only have 2 tanks so even at lvl 35 they're getting knocked out in 3-4 rounds.

Still not sure whether this mission or the 4-L nade spam is more annoying.

40 Replies

  • "Ben;2630" wrote:
    I believe everytine you hit the bot, their timer decreases. So as long as you give them a hit every now and then windu wont instakill.

    Really? It happens at Tier 1&2 but don't see it decreases at Tier 3.
  • Applying any sort of buff removes shatter point from a character. So either use taunts to prevent Mace from attacking the shatterpoint character or use a buff (RG has a group buff and Chewie has a self buff) to clear it.
  • "Telaan;281432" wrote:
    Holy necro. @Qeltar posted his replies in December.

    No doubt.

    For people struggling RG needs to be leveled and have added potency. His stars don't matter and his force pike skill only needs to be level 5 for maximum chance at stun. That being said Mace at Tier IV hits for 7.5k normal and almost 15k crits on his non-shatterpoint special so you will likely want 3-4* RP at max level if you want him to stay alive.

    Poe and Mace are also useful as their expose will reduce Mace significantly. I do not have Mace so I run 4* Old Ben, 4* Boba, 6* Poe, 5* RS, and 4* Chewy or 5* Teebo and beat it on auto about 75% of the time. It's closer to 90% if I pay enough attention to click on Mace for focus fire during the autoplay session.
  • I actually have to pay attention to this now and click on Mace so my guys don't waste time on the droids. This makes it the closest thing the "challenges" have been to "challenging" in a long time. (It's still not challenging, of course, just annoying to have to wait for the third round.)
  • @SlyGambit What potency does your RG has? Mine got 40% only, his stun doenst work on Mace at Tier IV anymore.
  • His potency is at 70% (40%+30% gear) at Gear 8. He's level 70 so all the gear except the last two (left and top left). The 30% from the one piece of 8 gear (bottom right) is obviously a big boost.
  • OK, so im missing the extra 30% ... thanks alot ^^ at least something to look forward! :) Thought already RG became useless for int-challenge. :)
  • "Telaan;281432" wrote:
    Holy necro. @Qeltar posted his replies in December.


    That said, I'm sure a lot of people are now strugging with the level 72 challenge. It took me about 10 attempts on the first day to figure out the best way to beat it. Now I'm about 80% - every now and then RG goes on a bad RNG "stunless-streak". Usually if he gets even 1 stun in, it's curtains for Mace - 2 and it's auto-win.
  • Tier two is easy, but then again, I farmed Poe when I first started playing. So I have Poe, Chewie, RG and a weak FOST for the tank challenge. Wipe it out easily with those at tier 2.