Something is different. I literally have lost 1 ship battle in months. I take 1 easily if I'm on. Ever since I reached about 150k power. Ship battles have been so ridiculously easy, even against people 10-15k power higher than me (give TFP retribution and laugh as everyone either misses him and grants TM to capital ship or he counters with high damage and restores his protection).
I've now lost 3 battles in A row. 2 to ships with a lower power than mine. Ships are dying quicker than they were previously. My TFP is getting 1 shot where that's rarely happened in the past (except for some Poes occassionally). This is more than just horrible RNG at this point. These results are massively out of line with the previous 2 months, and it's occurring with the update. I'm highly suspicious something got screwed up.