9 years ago
Ship Raids?!
Hey guys, Devin here with CigarCityGaming. Just want to share with you guys my theory on why ship raids will be coming to SWGOH. I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this. https://www.yout...
"Star_trollz;936413" wrote:"Drax_77;936409" wrote:"Star_trollz;936400" wrote:"GreenGoblin96;936395" wrote:"CigarCityGaming;936229" wrote:"SpiritZarathos;934587" wrote:
If ships got easier to upgrade and I wouldn't mind a ship raid. Take on the Deathstar or Starkiller base would be my idea. Maybe they'll add Supreme Leader Snoke to the game. And he'll be the Heroic character prize. Actually if Star Wars The Last Jedi reveals more into Snoke, as a character/abilities, they could release that update around that time.
Snoke would be really cool to see or if they do the deathstar instead we could finally get Jedi Luke in the game as the heroic reward. But a lot of work needs to be done still in terms of how ship battles go and upgrading ships like you said.
The thing with a ship raid is that there aren't many different ships yet and the majority of players don't even have 7 star ships. I'm all in with a ship raid, but they need to change a few things first
Really? I don't think you need 7* toons for the pit raid. I'm pretty sure the lower tiers only need 3 or 4*.
Sure but for a heroic ship raid if it were to require 7* ships I bet 90% of the player base would not be able to participate. If they didn't require * levels it would be a lot better imo.
Well well, you just won't be able to start off on heroic, you will have to work towards it. Gives a reason for people who don't bother with ships to start spending time on them then