I just started working on a list myself and I found this on reddit... problem is I think a few of them need to be updated
Mk 2 Zaltin Bacta Gel Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 2 Zaltin Bacta Gel - 273 crystals
Mk 3 Sienar Holo Projector - 300 crystals
Mk 3 Czerka Stun Cuffs - 1400 crystals
Mk 3 Chedak Comlink - 545 crystals
Mk 3 Carbanti Sensor Array - 1400 crystals
Mk 3 Chedak Comlink Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 4 Arakyd Droid Caller - 300 crystals
Mk 4 A/KT Stun Gun - 1400 crystals
Mk 4 Chedak Comlink Prototype - 1274 crystals
Mk 4 Carbanti Sensor Array Prototype - 1274 crystals
Mk 4 Chiewab Hypo Syringe Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 4 SoroSuub Keypad - 300 crystals
Mk 4 Athakam Medpac - 1400 crystals
Mk 4 CEC Fusion Furnace Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 4 Carbanti Sensor Array - 1496 crystals
Mk 4 Chedak Comlink - 2541 crystals
Mk 4 Chiewab Hypo Syringe - 273 crystals
Mk 5 SoroSuub Keypad - 300 crystals
Mk 5 AK/KT Stun Gun Prototype - 1274 crystals
Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun - 2541 crystals
Mk 5 CEC Fusion Furnace - 1400 crystals
Mk 5 Chiewab Hypo Syringe Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 5 Nubian Design Tech Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 5 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator - 2541 crystals
Mk 5 Merr-Sonn Thermal Detonator Prototype - 1274 crystals
Mk 5 Chiewab Hypo Syringe - 545 crystals
Mk 6 Chiewab Hypo Syringe - 1400 crystals
Mk 6 BioTech Implant Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 6 Merr-Sonn Shield Generator - 300 crystals
Mk 6 Nubian Security Scanner - 545 crystals
Mk 6 Nubian Security Scanner Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 6 BioTech Implant - 273 crystals
Mk 7 BioTech Implant Prototype - 1274 crystals
Mk 7 BioTech Implant - 2541 crystals
Mk 7 TaggeCo Holo Lens - 300 crystals
Mk 7 Nubian Security Scanner - 1400 crystals
Mk 8 BlasTech Weapon Mod Prototype - 273 crystals
Mk 8 BlasTech Weapon Mod - 545 crystals
Mk 9 BlasTech Weapon Mod - 1400 crystals
here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/4jwm05/list_of_gear_available_from_shipments_for_crystals/?st=j3an6ui7&sh=2f8f7fef